chapter 4 ・:*+.

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it's been almost 2 weeks since tsukishima saw my bruise. obviously it's gone now but....

he hasn't been the same asshole he usually is to me since that day. he hasn't bothered me at all or tried annoying me by kicking my chair. 

its weird.

don't tell me...

he's pitying me?

but how could that be? i already told him i fell on my face. there's no way he would be thinking otherwise when he even asked how hard i fell.

i was thinking many thoughts, while walking around an empty park. my thoughts came to a stop when i realized there was someone else here.

of course.

he was sitting on a bench drinking a can of soda, listening to music.

i decided now was a good time to ask about his strange behaviors.

"hey." i tapped his shoulder. "tsukishima."

"y/n? what are you doing here?" he asked, taking off his headphones.

"i needed some air. i don't want to be ho-" i stopped immediately, realizing the words that were coming out of my mouth. oh god. did i really just say that? he's not aoi!

"home?..." he asked.

"wha- what are you talking about..why wouldn't i want to-" i stopped talking when he suddenly stood up in front of me.


"i..." i started, but i could no longer think of a lie to come up with on the spot.

he sighed, clearing the awkward silence. "i have a feeling you're not alright. if i'm right, i don't think it's something that should be left alone."

my eyes widened at his words.

i started to tear up. i don't understand why i did. i thought i didn't cry to stuff like this.

but i held the tears in my eyes, ensuring that not a single one fell out of my eye socket. "what the hell are you talking about? you don't know anything."

however, that plan didn't end up working in the slightest. my eyes were clearly wet and my voice was already trembling.

"y/n, i-" he spoke up again, his hand reaching for me.

i smacked it away from me. i looked up at him, in disbelief at what i had just done. tears started streaming down my face. "i- i'm sorry!"

at that point i ran away. i couldn't face him anymore.

i had made it back home. i just wanted to be alone.

mom was nowhere to be seen, so i went straight to my bedroom. i closed my eyes, thinking about what just happened.

was it wrong of me to bash him out like that when he was just trying to help?

i just sighed, rubbing both of my eyes with both hands. after, i drifted off into sleep from my thoughts.

the next morning, i looked over to my clock. shit. i overslept. i looked over at myself. i was still in my clothes from yesterday, and my eyes felt heavy.

i didn't want to go to school anyways today. i'm too embarrassed to see him.

i try to remember what else had happened. oh yeah... he reached out his hand towards me.

what the hell? after all those times he's been super rude to me, he suddenly wants to try and comfort me? 

i buried my face in my pillow, my cheeks grew slightly pink the more i thought about what he was trying to do there. hold my shoulder? maybe both? or a hug?

i shook my head quickly. "ew."

my thoughts were interrupted by my stomach rumbling. i dragged myself downstairs to make myself breakfast. but mom was there.

before i could even explain myself as to why i wasn't at school, i was pushed to the ground. she continued to punch me for what felt like forever. without another word she went back to her room closing the door with a loud slam.

i laid on the floor for a long time, forgetting about my hunger. bruises were all over my arms and legs. i didn't realize until i felt a drop on my hand that i was...


i stood up straight, and went to my room slowly with shaky legs. collapsing on my bed, i fell asleep soon after. just wanting to be left alone sleeping, forgetting about everything else.

-to be continued

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