・:*+.chapter 17

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"i just wanna leave already!! i'm so excited!" aoi exclaimed.

tonight, yachi, aoi, and i would be having a sleepover together.

"i know right!" yachi replied. "what are you guys going to wear?"

we were having a sleepover to go to a party the following night together. i had already asked tsukishima if he was going, and he immediately said no. oh well. it meant finally spending some time with my friends anyways.

"hmm..i brought jeans and a blouse." i said.

"what?!" aoi turned to me, shocked. "that's it?!"

"what? what's wrong with it?"

"no..you don't get it.." aoi facepalmed herself. "we all need to step up our game!"

it was my turn to be shocked. "what's the point?"

"don't you wanna catch tsukishima's attent-"

"he's not going." i cut her off, my cheeks grew pink. "even if he was, i don't care for that stuff." i closed my eyes, crossing my arms.

"fine." aoi sighed. "but yachi and i will still dress up!! right?" she turned to yachi, waiting for a high five.

"ah? sure!" she high-fived her back, a little startled. "i mean nice clothes was all i brought, cause i thought we were all gonna do it." she mumbled, fidgeting with her fingers.

"heheh! that's the spirit!" aoi slapped her back in approval.

yachi was startled by the slap, causing us all to laugh.


aoi's house

"got them!!" yachi came through the door, bags of chips in her hands.

"yay!" aoi clapped. "let's play a game, shall we?"

"sure, i brought monopoly, uno-" i started.

"no! not those games." aoi flicked my forehead.

"ow!" i rubbed my head. "what kinda game-"

she suddenly snickered.

"eek!" yachi ran behind me, clutching onto my shoulders.

"how about some truth or dare?" she suddenly pointed at us, the other hand on her hip.

yachi let out a sigh of relief, letting go of my shoulders.

"do we have to..." i held my forehead.

"yes!" aoi crossed her arms. "or i'll make you dress up for the party!"

"okay, fine..." i surrendered. "who's first?" i sighed.


"eh?! um..." yachi began. "y/n..(i'm sorry...) truth or dare?..."

"truth." i sighed.

she won't ask me something bad right? knowing her, she's a bit too shy to ask something risky...at least i think...

"is it true you've kissed tsukishima, but you guys aren't dating?" her face gleamed with curiosity.

my face immediately became enveloped in red. "um..." i fumbled with my hands. i heard aoi giggle behind me.

"you!!" i pointed to aoi. "shut up already!"

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