・:*+.chapter 7

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aoi decided to join another club, so now there are some days where i eat lunch alone or go to the library.

today was one of those days. i made my way to the library.

i sat down and listened to music. i was planning on studying. i opened my math textbook to where my bookmark laid.

as my eyes landed on the problem, i realized it was the one from yesterday. the one i was working on with tsukishima.

my thoughts began to drift to that scene.

yesterday was normal...until...

i shook my head, my face growing red. i laid my head down.

"i need to tell aoi!" i said to myself, fumbling with my hair.

"hm? tell aoi what?" a voice began to speak to me. "if you can't reach her, i can help out and deliver your message to her." i looked up. yamaguchi? what's he doing here?

more importantly...

"umm no! nothing important! forget i was saying anything at all." i told him, scratching the back of my head.

he wore a confused expression, but shrugged it off soon after. "so what are you doing here?"

"oh, aoi joined a club and now she's busy sometimes during lunch. so i decided to study."

"hmm...say! y/n, on those days you're not with her, feel free to eat lunch with tsukki and i!"

my eyes widened. "really? then i'll take you up on your offer and eat with you guys sometime soon."

"actually...you could eat with us right now if you want. i feel bad leaving you here alone."

i nodded, and followed yamaguchi to their lunch spot.

"tsukki!" yamaguchi called out to tsukishima.

i peeped from behind yamaguchi. my cheeks suddenly grew pink just from getting a glance at the blondie.

after he saw me, he turned the other direction in a lousy attempt to hide his face.

yamaguchi, in the middle of it all was confused at our strange behaviors. he proceeded to grab my wrist and lead me towards their spot.

tsukishima opened his mouth to say something, after seeing the contact, but ended up with nothing else but a "tch."

all three of us were sat together at a table, but the whole time i couldn't bring myself to look tsukishima in the eye.

"are you ok y/n? you look sick! do you have a fever?" yamaguchi asked.

"no...i'm fine." i replied, still looking away.

it's getting hard to act normal around him. how am i going to deal with this when we work on our project..

"you guys are awfully quiet." yamaguchi said.

there was a moment of silence, when a familiar voice called out my name.

i turned to see who it was.

"y/n!" aoi called out to me. oh thank god. she was finally done with her club. i didn't know how much longer i could hold up at this table.

"thanks for letting me sit with you guys." i said, quickly rushing out of there.

tsukishima said nothing, and yamaguchi gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"did you guys get into a fight or something?" yamaguchi asked tsukishima after i left.

"what? what kind of question is that? nothing happened."

yamaguchi couldn't believe those words, after literally feeling the tension between them.

"if it wasn't a fight..." he placed his hand on his chin thinking. "did one of you guys confess your love or someth-"

"enough." tsukishima cut yamaguchi off. "i'm serious, nothing happened, really."

"okay. fine then." yamaguchi replied, sighing.


"y/n, are you sick or something? why would you come to school with a fever?!" aoi asked me after seeing my face. she was genuinely worried.

"no. i'm not sick." i told her. "actually, a lot happened yesterday that i have to tell you about."

after telling aoi everything, i looked over to her, and her jaw was hanging.

"wahh! i was rooting for you guys even though i wasn't there to see it!" she said, burying her face in her hands.

"yeah but," i started as my laugh calmed. "i think i am a bit interested..."


"y/n!!!" she nearly startled me. 

my eyes widened after seeing her wipe a single tear.

"aoi!! i don't even know if feels the same way..."

"oh that's bullshit y/n! he clearly does!"

"hmph." i looked away.

practice was over and i was standing next to aoi, waiting for tsukishima.

"who are you waiting for?" i looked over to aoi, who usually doesn't wait with me.

"umm...i have to talk to one of the boys about something. as a manager y'know?"

"oh." why just her though? i asked myself, confused.

tsukishima came, and i waved goodbye to aoi as we left.

(aoi's pov)

as i said goodbye to y/n, i turned the other way to look for yamaguchi.

"yamaguchi!" i whisper-yelled.

"oh, aoi." he replied as he saw me coming towards him.

"did you find out?" he asked.

"yup. can confirm she does." i said giving him a thumbs up.

"me too. well, he won't open up about it but i can tell by his face and his unusual quietness." he winked.

"great. so that means we can begin our operation, right?"


"operation: double date begins now." we said together, snickering.

-to be continued

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