・:*+.chapter 19

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"y/n!" i heard aoi call out to me as soon as i approached the bottom of the stairs. "there you are! we lost you earlier! are you with tsukishima?"

"yeah." tsukishima came up behind me.

"great!" aoi clapped once. "let's-"

"hey!" aoi was cut off by a boy approaching us. "they're playing spin the bottle over there! we need more people, so come!" the boy proceeded to grab aoi's wrist and we followed behind them.

aoi, yamaguchi, and yachi sat in the circle with other people. i wasn't familiar with any of people that sat there.

i stood at the corner, watching them, realizing tsukishima was standing next to me. "not gonna play?" i turned to him.

"no. i would never play a stupid game like this." he replied. "i'm surprised you aren't though."

"i'm not into stuff like this either." i huffed.

"all right! we have enough people so lets get started!" a random said in the circle. they proceeded to grab the bottle and spin it.

i looked over to the three and saw aoi full of excitement. yachi and yamaguchi however, seemed a bit nervous.

the first few rounds, nothing happened between any of the three of them. until-

the bottle spun to aoi. i gasped, taking a look at where the other side of the bottle was pointed to.


i looked back at aoi, her face was completely red, and so was yamaguchi's.

i heard a small chuckle from behind me.

"what's so funny?" i turned to tsukishima.

"nothing." he scratched the back of his head. "just, i'm pretty sure he has a small crush on your friend there."

"no way." i mumbled.


i quickly covered my mouth. "nothing." i turned back to the circle.

they both began to lean in.

oh shit! it's happening! it's happening! i was jumping up and down a little bit.

it ended quickly, just a quick peck. but when they turned back, both of their faces were crimson.

i giggled to myself, seeing aoi's embarrassed state.

"hey." tsukishima placed his hand on my shoulder. "want to get out of here?"

"what about them-"

"it's okay. i'll text them."

"okay. sure."

we went out, and began to stroll around the neighborhood, coming to a grassy hill. i walked to the top, laying down so i could view the moon above.

he did the same, lying down next to me. we stayed in silence for a couple moments, watching the moon.

"kei." i turned to him.

he flinched a little, not expecting to hear me call him a name only which a few people in his life do.

"sorry." i quickly replied, seeing how he didn't respond back. "that was rude of me." i buried my face in my hands, too embarrassed to look at him now.

but he had grabbed my wrist, pulling my face away from my hands. he sat up, pulling me into his chest.

i tried pulling back to see his face, what his expression was because i didn't know how he was feeling. but he pulled me back into his arms again, bringing a hand on my hair.

"what are you-" i started.

i tried looking from the corner of my eye, then noticing his ears were red.

"you don't have to apologize." he mumbled. "you can call me that."

he finally pulled away from the hug, letting me look at him. his face was flushed, making me giggle.

"what's so funny?" he huffed.

"you scared me. i got embarrassed thinking you didn't want me calling you that or something." i scratched the back of my head.

he continued to look away, trying to hide his red face.

"what are you so embarrassed for?" i smirked.

he finally looked back at me.

i wrapped my arms around his neck, but i leaned into him too far, making us fall onto the floor together.

i stayed on top of him, laughing to myself.

"hey, get off of me alrea-" he started.

"why? i just want to lay here with you for now."

he gave up resisting, putting his head down, and wrapping an arm around my back. i shifted my head- my ear now on his chest. i could hear his quickening heartbeat.

"why did you decide to call me that?" he asked, his head still turned away.

"i don't know." i flopped off of him, scooching next to him on my back. "i was just thinking about it, that's all." i smiled, looking back up at the moon.

"y/n." he sighed.


he didn't say anything after i replied, causing me to look back at him, wondering why.

my face began to heat up, seeing him look right back at me, his face also flushed.

"wh- what is it?" i stuttered.

he took a deep breath before talking, looking away.

"do you still think we aren't ready?"

my eyes widened. "ready for-"

he turned back to me. "ready to be together."

my heart began to race. the fact that i was also just thinking about this yesterday at the sleepover...

"no." i said.

that's right... i do want to be with him. he's done so much for me. he cares about me. we're close already. he knows about my life at home. more than anything, i trust him.

"no." i said once again. "we are ready." i sat up. "i want to be with you." i placed my hand on top of his.

he sat up, his face flushed. he leaned his face towards mine, letting our lips meet. i cupped his cheeks, and tears began to stream down my face. i pulled away from the kiss.

"sorry." i whispered.

"for what?"

"for..rejecting you the first time." i wiped my tears with my arm. "because we.. no. because i wasn't ready." more tears came rolling down.

"you're such a crybaby." he pulled me into his arms. "you don't have to apologize for something like that."

i looked up at him. "okay...thanks." i sniffled.

he wiped my tears with his thumb, bringing my face towards his, to let our lips meet each others' again.

-to be continued

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