chapter 22 ・:*+.

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"so much work." i wiped my sweat, and sat down on my bed, looking around my room once more.

it was empty now, stacks of boxes piled by my door.

i carried the boxes out by myself, to the truck i rented.


i turned around to see who called me.
it was mom, leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossed.

she wasn't drunk, but slightly hungover. "so you're leaving?"

i simply nodded, a little scared for her reaction.

she walked over to me, her arm reached out.

i was ready to be smacked.

but, she placed her hand on my shoulder and nodded once. "i guess i can't stop you—so live a better life." she placed her hand on my head and ruffled my hair, walking back inside after.

i stood there in disbelief, but at the same felt so much relief. "thank you." i mumbled with a small smile.

"ready to go ma'am?"


i went inside the car with the driver, and he drove off to the location.

it was a small, basic apartment but it was nice, and close to the school.

1 message from "kei<3"

kei<3: are you on your way there now?

me: yeah.

me: i can't thank you enough

kei<3: i already said there's no need to. i'm here for you

i smiled at his last text, before turning off my phone as we almost arrived at our destination.

"this is it right?" he parked outside the building.


he helped me unload the boxes in the empty apartment.

"thank you." i bowed as he left.

i closed the door behind me, flopping on the floor, overwhelmed by all the moving.

i took a deep breath, before looking around the empty space. something startled me, when i swore i saw someone peeking from the corner.

"w- who's there?!" i quickly sat up, my voice shaky.

"you idiot!" i heard a whisper.

"ow! i'm sorry!" another whispered back.

"just go out now, she probably saw you." another whisper. wait..kei?


i looked at the people that stood in front of me.
...yachi, aoi, yamaguchi, and kei. they looked silly, wearing party hats and holding party poppers.

i tried to contain my laughter, covering my mouth with my hand, but i couldn't hold back anymore, my back falling to the floor as i died from laughter.

"wh-" yachi started.

"what?!?" yachi and aoi said together.

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