chapter 18 ・:*+.

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i woke up on the floor the next day, pillow stuffing all over me. i looked over to see yachi and aoi on the floor as well, still fast asleep. i let out a giggle at the sight, and checked my phone.

2:00 p.m.?! we stayed up late...

i went to aoi's bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. when i finished, i went back into the room to find the two girls awake.

"it's the afternoon already?" yachi yawned, looking at her phone.

"and this mess we made!" aoi cried, looking around her room. pillow stuffing, open chip bags, and board games were spread out everywhere.

"it's okay. we'll clean it up." i said, standing at the doorway.

"no!" aoi puffed her cheeks. "we should get ready for the party!!"

"why so early-"

"y/n!" she proceeded to throw a pillow at me. "we need time for all three of us to get ready. it's a process."

"i never said i was going to dress up even if he's going-" i sighed.

"of course you are!" aoi cut me off, throwing another pillow at me.

"hey- stop throwing pillo-" i started.

"right yachi?" aoi snickered and turned to her.

"hm..." yachi fiddled with her fingers. "please y/n? we don't want you to be left out, is all!"

"fine. just because i'm annoyed of your rambling, aoi." i huffed.

"yay!" aoi stood up, hopping to her closet.

"but you have to get ready first." i pointed at her.

"fine." she sighed, grabbing a towel and walking to her bathroom.

it was now a few minutes before the time we had planned to leave.

"ah!" aoi covered her mouth. "we look so great!"

aoi was wearing a tight black dress, reaching to her mid thigh. her hair was down and curled; she wore matching flats.

yachi wore a dress also, a white flowy one with matching heels and all her hair bunched up into a messy high ponytail.

aoi gave me one of her dresses, of course not letting me wear the outfit i brought. it was a light green silky slip dress that reached to right above my knees, and nude-colored sandals (that were kind of heels). lastly she straightened my hair.

"come, come!" she walked over to her mirror, calling us. "let's take a picture."

i sighed and followed after her, yachi too.

we stood together, posing at her mirror. yachi on the right, holding out a peace sign with a smile. aoi in the middle, her phone in one hand as she winked with her tongue out. i was on the left, posing with my arms behind my back wearing a smile with my head tilted a bit and my eyes closed.

"so cute!!!" yachi exclaimed as we looked through the pictures.

"okay! let's go!" aoi grabbed our wrists and we went out.


as we walked together and yachi and aoi started a conversation, i pulled out my phone and tapped on tsukishima's contact.

i was about to type, asking him again if he really was coming to the party, when yachi asked something.

"is that him y/n?" she pointed ahead to two figures walking towards us.

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