chapter 8 ・:*+.

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tsukishima and i finished our project during the rest of the week. thankfully, we were able to complete it while leaving out any awkward moments like before.

currently, we were standing at our teacher's desk, awaiting our grade.

"your grade was an "a". excellent job you two."

"yes!" we high-fived each other— that moment ended soon after realizing the contact. we quickly moved our hands back.


it was lunch time, and aoi had to go to her club today.

"is it alright if i sit with you and yamaguchi today?" i asked tsukishima, who was currently alone.

i was able to keep my cool around him better. after spending more time with him during the project, it made me more used to being around him.

"hm? oh yeah." he replied.


he pulled out his lunch. i pulled out a bag of chips and a soda. i usually don't pack a full lunch.

we sat in silence for a few minutes, eating our lunches. i was honestly used to the silence, and i think tsukishima was too. it was almost kind of a comforting silence and not an awkward one.

"where's yamaguchi?" i asked the blondie after a few minutes.

"no clue."

(aoi's pov)

"this will work right?"

"of course. they're getting alone time like this."

yamaguchi and i were peeping behind the door across from where y/n and tsukishima were.

yamaguchi and i decided we needed to give them time alone in order for them to get closer.

we high-fived each other, but softly, trying not to make too much noise.

(y/n's pov)

i had finished my soda before the chips, leaving me a little thirsty.

"i'm gonna get a drink." i told tsukishima as i stood up.

"you can just have the rest of mine." he pulled out his half-drunken water bottle.

"oh, thanks."

i sat back down, and was about to drink, when i realized...

his lips...had touched, i mean technically, this could count as an...

indirect kiss?!?

my face heated up a bit and i became frozen with the bottle in my hand.

"what?" he asked obliviously, either not caring about it, or simply just having no idea what was going on through my mind.

"nothing, sorry." i replied, avoiding eye contact.

as my lips were about to meet the surface of the bottle, my mind immediately rewinded back to the day tsukishima had almost kissed me. suddenly it looked as if his lips were replaced with the bottle.

"ack!" i cried out, shifting the bottle away from my face.

when i realized what i had done, embarrassment started to flood in, and i looked up at tsukishima.

"uhhh...." i nervously chuckled. the blondie just wore a confused expression.

"if it's a germ thing, it's okay, i'll take it back." he said, holding his hand out.

"no! not at all..." i replied, embarrassed. "here, just take it. i'm not thirsty anymore. i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." i stood up, quickly rushing out of there.

as i stepped out of the door, i swear i had heard a familiar voice.

"aoi?..." i turned around. there was no one there. "hm.." i turned back around, heading to the bathroom.

(aoi's pov)

yamaguchi and i were against the wall, hiding behind a trash can. my hand was covering his mouth.

"oops..sorry!" i whispered to him.

"that was a close one."

"she's too worked up. i'm gonna see her for a sec."

"wait. now is a good time to ask about the double date right? i'll go to tsukki too."

"oh yeah! okay, i'll meet you back here soon."

we split up, heading to our friends.

i walked into the bathroom to see y/n splashing water on her face.

"aoi!" she cried, running up to me. "are you free now? can we eat lunch together?"

"sorry." i replied. "i still have to help out my club with some stuff."

i'm sorry y/n! but this is for your sake!

"anyways. tomorrow i'm gonna visit our local cafe. apparently there's a new item on the menu, and it's delicious! you should come, pretty pleaseee." i held her hands.

"i don't see why not. sure." she replied.

success. hopefully yamaguchi is able to convince tsukishima.

"oh, my bathroom break time is almost up. see you later!" i ran out of the bathroom, going back to yamaguchi and i's meeting spot.

(tsukishima's pov)

i saw yamaguchi enter the room from the corner of my eye.

"where have you been?" i asked.

"sorry, tsukki. i was at the gym helping the managers with something. i'll have to go back soon, but..."


"our local cafe has added something to their menu. you'll never guess what it is!"


"strawberry shortcake!"

my eyes widened. "well....why don't we check it out tomorrow?..."

"took the words right out of my mouth. see you then!"

yamaguchi then hurried out of the classroom.

(aoi's pov)

yamaguchi came out of the classroom, finally.

he sat down next to me.


"yup! we'll be there tomorrow."

"us too." i gave him a toothy grin and a thumbs up.

"yeah!" we high-fived each other.

-to be continued

a/n: a lot of pov changes im sorry lol

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