・:*+.chapter 15

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i was currently at aoi's house, getting ready for the festival.

"oh, that's right!" aoi looked at me, remembering i don't have a kimono. she opened her closet.

"here, i think this one would look great on you." she handed me one of her kimonos.

"thanks." i let out a deep breath.

i went to her bathroom to put it on.

it was a white kimono, with flowers all over, in all shades of pink, and the obi was a hot pink.

i went back out to aoi's room to ask for help with tying the obi.

she suddenly put her hands over her mouth, shocked.

"wh- what? does it look horrendous on me?" i began to panic a little.

"of course not." she wiped a single tear, like always. "it looks so good on you. i never wore it because it doesn't look good on me." she came up to me and grabbed my hands.

i let out a sigh of relief. "does it really?" i asked scratching my cheek.

she grabbed my wrist, and pulled me to her mirror. she stood behind me, tying the string for my obi.

i looked at myself, suddenly thinking about tsukishima.

i hope he'll like it...

"done!" aoi grabbed my shoulders from behind, peeking over me. "now for your hair."

"hey, what about you? don't worry about me." i turned to her.

"don't worry about me." she wavered her hand. "i want to make sure that tsukishima gets nervous from the sight of you." she smirked.

"aoi!" i playfully punched her arm.


"wait...you'll be all alone?"

"nope. i'm gonna be with yamaguchi." she gave me a thumbs up.

"hmm?..." i grinned.

"wh- what is it?"

"you two have gotten awfully close ever since your little scheme you worked on together to get tsukishima and i closer."

"ew!! chill out. we're just friends." she looked away from me, thinking i wouldn't see her pink cheeks.

"then why are you blushi-" she stopped me, putting her hand over my mouth.

"shush!! now stay still, i'm trying to do your hair." she sighed.

she finished putting my hair into a bun, with a few loose strands in the front.

"last but not least, makeup!"

she went to grab her makeup bag before i could say anything.

"not too much, okay?"


after she finished, she handed me a kinchaku (tiny purse) and zori (sandals to go with a kimono).

"lookie!" she pushed me to the mirror.

i looked at my makeup, which wasn't much just like i asked. i wore a minuscule amount of mascara, lip gloss, and blush.

"aoi..." i felt myself tearing up, extremely happy with the look she gave me.

"no!" she came in front of me. "don't cry, okay?! you can't ruin your makeup." she hissed.

"okay." i laughed, carefully wiping my tear.


"aoi! you look so cute!" i gave her a bright smile, after seeing her finished look.

her kimono was black, with purple butterflies and a purple obi.

"don't hype me up. i don't look as good as you." she shooed with her hand.

"you'll certainly impress someone..."

"enough!!" she cried, her face red. "let's go now before we're late!"


we seemed to have arrived a bit early, as tsukishima and yamaguchi were not here yet at our meeting spot.

"i'm so nervous..." i started, hugging aoi's arm. "what if this is too much?"

"of course it's not! you look amazing." she laughed.

"huh? what's so funny!?" i panicked.

"i can't wait to see tsukishima's reaction."

"shut up!!" i whined, letting go of her arm, giving her tiny punches.

"aoi!" i stopped when i heard a familiar voice close by.

i gulped, quickly reverting back to a normal position.

"yamaguchi, over here!!" aoi yelled back.

"hurry up, tsukki!"

they finally came into view.

"hey, don't rush me-" tsukishima stopped as his eyes landed on me.

noticing he did, i quickly looked away from him, becoming easily embarrassed. "hey."

"hey..." he rubbed the back of his neck, looking away too, trying to hide his red face.

i looked back at him, wanting to see what he was wearing. my blush grew an even darker shade realizing how cute he looked...

he wore a plain, dark green kimono. it wasn't much, but seeing him in something different for once made him look attractive.

"that color really suits you." i mumbled.

his face was enveloped in the color red, hearing my words. "thanks.." he said, turning back to me. "you look-"

"shall we go on now?!" aoi interrupted him excitedly.

"oh, yeah." i replied. i turned back to tsukishima to see his hand on his chest, taking a deep breath. "you okay?"

he simply nodded, avoiding eye contact once again.

"see you guys later." yamaguchi grabbed aoi's wrist, and led her the other way. i noticed her face turn a bright pink.

i let out a small laugh at the sight.

tsukishima flinched a little, seeing my laugh.

"let's go too!" i grabbed his hand, but stopped when i realized i had just done that....i got too carried away...

"s-sorry!!" i moved my hand away from his.

but he grabbed my hand again, intertwining our fingers. he looked at me with a warm smile, and nodded.

i felt my face steaming in that moment.

-to be continued

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