・:*+.chapter 13

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i woke up in the middle of the night, remembering i wasn't at home. i looked over at myself, realizing my wounds and bruises had been treated, but i was still so sore. i looked over to what was next to me.

tsukishima had also fallen asleep, sleeping on the opposite side of the couch. i moved myself to his side, burying my face in his chest.

i thought he was asleep, but he put his arm around my waist.

being with him like this after weeks felt like a dream. i wanted to be in his arms forever.


i woke up again the next morning, to see i wasn't being held in his arms anymore. i looked around, when he suddenly came out of the bathroom.

obviously he had just took a shower as i could see that—

he was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

i quickly turned the other way, my face burning up.

i looked at the table in front of me. there laid a small stack of clothes, folded neatly. i assumed it was for me so i took it and went to the bathroom.

i changed, realizing it was his own clothes from the smell. it was oversized on me, a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants that were extra baggy. i tidied up my hair, leaving it in a low ponytail.

i stepped out, and saw tsukishima standing by the fridge. he glanced at me, and began to blush at the sight of me in his own clothes, putting his hand on the back of his neck.

noticing he did, my face became red, and i avoided looking him in the eye.

"w- we don't have food right now. do you wanna go out to eat?" he mumbled.

i simply nodded and we went out. that was the first time he had spoken this whole time.

we said nothing during our whole meal and after we finished, went for a walk.

we walked slowly, but i was trailing behind him a bit. i followed him, not knowing where we were going. we soon made it to a spot with a bench, where he took a seat, and i did the same.

we sat in silence for a moment, when he finally turned to me. he took a deep breath.

"what happened?" he asked softly.

at first i was a little hesitant to reply.

but i decided it was finally time to tell him about home, my mom, akiko. everything. if anything, he one hundred percent deserved to know.

i spoke on and on, not looking his way the whole time. he didn't speak a word, listening to me go on.

i finished my rambling and tried to see his reaction from the corner of eye.

he said nothing for a while, his eyes shadowed.

"i had no idea." he finally spoke up. "y/n, i'm sorry."

i shook my head in an "it's ok" way.

he looked straight ahead again. "i never liked akiko."

my eyes widened.

"i was a little shocked when you pushed me away that night, when i waited for you, for your shift to be over. after i tried to touch you and you pushed my hand away."

tears began to envelop my eyes, making my vision blurry.

"i thought that was your final rejection. that you didn't want to be with me at all."

i tried to keep my tears from coming out.

"so i thought i should give you space. and then we became distant. but.... even when i thought you didn't want to be around me anymore..."

"my feelings never changed."

his final words made the tears i had been holding back come out. i sobbed, and he pulled me into his arms.

"i'm sorry." he placed his chin on top of my head. "i didn't realize akiko was doing such a thing."

"i'm sorry too. for not being more open with you."

he suddenly pulled me away from his hug, his hands on my shoulders looking at me, serious.

"what about your mom...if you want, you can stay at my place."

"it's ok...she'd be even more angry at me."

he sighed.

"i wish i could do something." he pulled me back into his arms.

"...but. you won't do that again right? what you tried yesterday..." he squeezed me tighter. "i was so afraid."

i moved up a little to place my forehead against his, wearing a small smile and closed eyes.

"i won't." i placed my hand on his cheek, caressing it.

we stayed there for a couple hours, before heading home.

tsukishima was currently walking me home.

we made it, and i turned around, opening my mouth to say goodbye to him..but he couldn't hide the guilty expression on his face.


"it's okay, really." i grabbed his hand. "stop worrying about me so much." i let out a small laugh.

he still seemed a little sad.

i walked into him, wrapping my arms around his body. "thank you. thank you for taking care of me and listening." i went inside after.

-to be continued

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