Part 3

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Keep a straight face.


Stand up straight.


Keep your head held high.


They can't know you are freaking out inside!


It takes everything in me not to scream bloody murder. I came here tonight to tell my father I was getting as far away from him and my entire family and never thinking twice about them again. Now, here I am, sitting in on a meeting with all the top men of the Yahontov Bratva. Some of the most dangerous men in the tristate area where in this room right now. Hell, the men in this room were some of the most dangerous men in the country. I was the only person in this room that didn't have blood on my hands. They were all sadistic barbaric blood-thirsty criminals.

I hated being in this room. I hated the fact that my family was even apart of this.

But I wasn't the only one who was against my presence.

My father entered his office followed by my brothers and then myself. My father stood in front of his desk. My brother Evgeni took a seat on one of the couches in front of him. My other brothers and I stood behind Evgeni and in front the the large stone fireplace. The giant fireplace jutted out from the wall a bit, so I leaned against its side with my back against the bookshelves that lines the walls on both side. I felt hidden in the shadow of the little corner.

Then entered Vladimir, who stood next to my father. Next came one of the men from outside. The good one with the nice hair and jawline. He gave me a sideways glance when he passed and made eye contact for a brief second. It sent a chill down my spine. I just couldn't shake the feeling I had about him. I didn't even know what kind of felling it was, I just knew I didn't like it. He gave head nods to each of my brothers as he passed them. He then made his way over and sat on the couch across from Evgeni.

Who the fuck was he? Why was he sitting across from my brother? Wait, they were sitting across from each other at dinner.

He must be Vladimir's son. I knew he had a son. He's a few years older then Evgeni. I had just never seen him before.

More guys fill the room. A few of my fathers men sat down on the couches next to Evgeni. Most of the men stood against the walls, like my brothers and I. Where you stood had to do with your position or ranking or something, I'm not sure.

Most of the men who entered gave me dark looks. I wasn't suppose to be here, and they all knew it. I was a women. The men in this room did terrible things to women. Most of those terrible things were done for fun. Women were treated as objects, lesser than. Women didn't sit in on dealings or meetings. Women were stupid, emotional, not capable of handling business.

When everyone was in what I assumed to be their correct hierarchy position, my father started. He welcomed everyone and gave a few points that they would be going over. A few glances were made my way. My father looked at me and then back at he men in the room.

"Yes, I know, my daughter Anastasiya is in the room." he addresses the men while continuing to speak Russian. "We will conduct business as usual." A few men in the back grunt and open their mouths to protest.

Irritated at the rude interruption by his men he continues louder. "We will conduct business as usual. Anastasiya doesn't speak Russian." My father pauses. I have always loved how thinking I can't speak Russian irritates him so very much. "So, we will continue with business as usual. She is only essential for what we are going to discuss at the end of this meeting. She shale be ignored until the end." I try not to roll my eyes.

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