Part 21

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I kiss him.

I don't exactly know why, but I do.

My lips touch his.

But only for a second before I pull away. We are both in shock and breathing heavily. I can't believe I did that. Why did I do that? I open my mouth to apologize, but nothing comes out. I expect him to protest my assault on his mouth.

Instead, he kisses me back.

The kiss is rough at first. He smashes his face against mine. Slowly, hesitantly, his fingers weave through my hair. His kiss becomes lighter. His lips are soft against mine. I know he is holding back. His mouth and his fingers feel amazing. I can't help but let out a small moan. He takes advantage. His tongue quickly licks my bottom lip before entwining with mine.

Electricity jolts through my body. My hands grab onto the back of his shirt, pulling him closer. My body suddenly craving him, like I can't get enough and I need more.

I feel his mouth and hands start to pull away. No, I want more. I bit down on his bottom lip. A deep growl erupts from the back of his throat. His hands cup my face and pull away slightly.

His eyes quickly search my face, looking for any signs of doubt. "If we keep doing this," he takes a deep breath in and out.  "I won't be able to stop."

"Then don't." I breath out.

Our lips forcefully fuse together. My hands start to roam around his body. Slowly, I slip my fingers under the hem of his shirt. His skin feels like smooth hard granite. I moan as my fingers slightly dig into his back.

"Fuck, malyshka, I don't think I can be gentle." He growls.

"Good" I say as I nip at the stubble on his jaw. I love how it feels against my lips. I kiss and bit my way down his neck.

His hands cup my ass and pull me off the counter. I wrap my legs tightly around his  body. With each step he takes towards the bedroom, I feel him rub against my core.

As he sets me down on the edge of the bed, he grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it up over my head. He then does the same with his own shirt. I watch the ripple of his muscles. My mouth waters.

I've always kept myself in shape, but suddenly I feel a bit self conscious looking at him.

I lay back on the bed, naked from the waist up. I stretch my arms above my head. Elongating my body so I look thinner and my boobs look perkier. We both pause for a second drinking in the sight of each other's bodies.

He quickly grabs my shorts and pulls them up and off, taking my underwear with them. I need him. I need his fingers and mouth all over me. I need all of him. My body squirms beneath him. I let out a frustrated moan. I need him now.

He gets my hint. His mouth forms into a smirk. Without hesitation he undoes his pants and they drop to the floor. He licks and bites his way up my stomach. His hands follow. My body feels like it's humming under his touch.

When he gets to my breasts, he kneads them with just the right amount of pressure. He takes the right one in his mouth. Sucking until it is painfully hard. He then bites down. What comes out of my mouth is a mix between a moan and a howl. His bite hurts, but the pain sends a jolt through my body that feels amazing. I can feel the wetness dripping between my legs. He does the same to my left nipple. I'm more sensitive there so I cry out harder this time.

He has a hungry look on his face after he is done kissing his way up my neck. He slowly licks his lips. I take his bottom lip between my teeth a bite down. Payback for my sensitive nipples. He growls as he pulls his head back.

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