Part 29

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"Mmmmm more." Anastasiya purrs. She reaches back and runs her hand through my hair before pulling my head down to her neck.

Fuck. This women. She is insatiable. And fuck me, I can't get enough of her. She is on her knees in front of me. Her back is arched up against my chest. I kiss and bite her neck.

I never thought two people could be so sexually compatible. Her breasts fit perfectly in my hand. They feel amazing and I can't keep my hands off of them. And she loves it. This is her favorite way to fuck, me taking her from behind and playing with her nipples. And rough, fuck does she like it rough. 

I remove one of my hands for her breasts and place it on her clit. I use two fingers and work it from both sides. She clinches down around me. Fuuuck. I don't know how much longer I can last. I don't know why I'm even holding back, even if I did come I would be hard again in a minute.

I feel like I'm constantly hard when I'm around her. A few months ago, everything about her made me want to murder someone. Now, just a whiff of her perfume or the feel of her skin turns me animalistic.

Anastasiya's legs begin to quiver. We have been going at it for almost an hour, we are both fatigued. With all my strength I slam into her as hard and fast as I can. Her insides pulse around my cock, I pinch her nipple and pull it just hard enough. She let out the most beautiful sound. Hearing her scream out my name as she comes undone sets me over the edge. I continue pumping in and out, pouring every ounce into her. There is no better euphoria.

I roll down on to my side and pull her into my arms. We lay there chest to chest with our arms wrapped around each other tightly. I never thought I would feel so contented. I could spend the rest on my life fucking Anastasiya and then holding her in my arms.

Just when our breathing is back to normal and she has drifted off to sleep, she pulls away from me slightly. My arms don't budge. I don't want this peace I'm feeling to end. Being with her, like this, is the only time I feel calm.

"Mhm, Viktor, I have to pee." She light pulls at my arms to loosen my grip.

An annoyed growl comes from the back of my throat. "No. You're not allowed to move yet."

"If I stay here any longer I'm going to fall asleep. I can't fall asleep. I need to clean myself up and pee." She starts to try and wiggle free. I can feel the blood slowly rushing back to my dock. "Viktor" She laughs. Apparently she can feel it too. Hearing her beautiful laugh makes me harder.

"I can't help it." I roll her on top of me and sit us both up. "I can't fucking get enough of you. Everything you do makes me so fucking hard."

I swing my legs off the side of the mattress and carry her to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I wait for the water to get warm. I stand under the water for a few seconds before she joins me. She grabs the soap and starts to wash herself clean, but I take it from her and do it for her.


I'm woken up by a cold wet nose touching hand. Odin shuffles his feet as he nudges my hand again. My phone reads 4:45 in the morning. I take a deep breath and carefully roll out of bed.

The sidewalks and roads are covered in grey slush. Thankfully it doesn't take long for Odin to do his business.

When we get back to the apartment he sprints upstairs and lays down on the bed next to Anastasiya. He does this every day. One of the first rules I set was him not ever being on the bed. But as soon as I get out of bed he has to be there next to her. I tried to move him a few times, but he almost took my hand off. I've just accepted the fact that at least no one will ever be able to attack her when she is sleeping.

I grab my workout clothes and take the elevator back down to the first floor. The stench of sweat and pool clean fill my nose as soon as I open the door to the gym. The space is completely empty of people. I power in the speakers and classic rock fills the soundless void.

I get twenty minutes of blissful alone time before Gregor turns down the music and ruins it. Seeing the folder full of papers wipes away all the calm I had been feeling.

"At least let me finish my workout." I hit a button treadmill to slow down my pace.

"If we don't get on this we are never going to recover. We are losing more ground then we are gaining." He pauses. I hit the button to shut it down, bracing myself for what is about to come. "We lost two more shipments last night.

"TWO! You've got to be fucking kidding me!? I thought we had this under control!?!" I rip the contents out of his hand and look them over. "Call Magnus. Tell him to be sitting in my office in an hour. If he doesn't get his shit together he's going to be burying his own balls in the frozen ground."

"We can't keep giving Oleksandr everything he wants. When gave him everything he wanted. We can keep bending to his demands every time he asks for more" he pauses again. I hate when he does this. I always know more I coming he is just working his way up to say it out loud. "You are letting him take advantage of you. He knows it. I know you love her, we all have grown to love her. But you can't let him have this hold over you. We were blindsided by him and his attack. We won't be now. She is perfectly protected. That goddamn beast of yours practically took my leg off the other day. Peytor's a little shit, but he knows how to activate the men is there are any signs of a threat. You need to worry about the organization. You need to put him in his place."

I want to beat the shit out of the man standing in front of me. I want to shove his tongue up his own ass.

I hate that I agree with everything he is telling me. I want him to lie to me. I want him to tell me what I want to hear.

"Call Magnus." I say as I walk out the door and into the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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