Part 16

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I've been at the docks all day, going over shipments and assessing the products. I'm exhausted and reek of diesel fuel and the Hudson River.

Anthony doesn't look up from his desk as I pass him on my way to the elevator. It's late so he has probably fallen asleep at his desk again. I'm to tired to deal with him right now. I'll call him out on his impropriety tomorrow, after I have had a shower and a few hours of sleep.

I open the door to the apartment and almost trip on something. Shoes. Anastasiya's shoes.

Seriously? Has everyone just decided to be lazy today and piss me off.

I start to walk towards the stairs when something catches my eye outside. I turn away and make my way to the terrace. Anastasiya and Audrey must be drinking out there again.

The closer I get the more figures I notice. They have friends over? Why are they all spread out. None of them are talking to each other.

Something is wrong.


I open the door and the lights of the city help illuminate the situation.

My whole body turns to ice. My heart stops beating for a second before it kicks into overdrive. Every muscle in my body tightens as I process what is going on in front of me.

Anastasiya is in the center of the terrace, gagged and tied to one of the dinning room chairs. She glances up when I open the door. Her eyes lock with mine, and go as wide as saucers. She pulls at her restraints and tries to scream through the cloth in her mouth.

There are three men on my right and two on my left. One of the men turns to face me, the gun in his side holster clearly visible. I know they are all armed. I suspect a few have more than one weapon on them.

"Welcome home Viktor." Says the dark figure standing behind her. He doesn't turn around. He  sounds so familiar, but I can't place the voice to a face.  "Your lovely little lady here has been keeping us company." He continues in Russian.

He slowly turns around and approaches Anastasiya. Instantly I recognize the figure in front of me. Oleksandr Kuznetsov. Head of the Kuznetsov Mafia family.

Growing up Oleksandr was like an older brother to me. Our families were close and worked closely together, until he killed his father and betrayed mine. Since then he has done nothing but nip at our heals and snatch up our scraps.

Anastasiya continues to pull at her restraints. Light reflects off her tear streaked face.

Every single decision she has ever made in her life, she has done to keep herself as far away from mafia business and their consequences. But here she sits, scared and tied to a chair.

All because of me.

She has nothing to do with this.

"I've heard rumors about old Maxims gorgeous daughter. I honestly didn't believe them. But seeing her in person," Oleksandr cups her face in his hand, trailing his thumb down her cheek bone. Anastasiya flinches and tries to turn her head away from his touch. "The rumors don't do her justice."

"Leave. Her. Alone." I say through gritted teeth. Slowly I reach my hand behind my back and wrap my fingers around the gun tucked into the waistband of my jeans, but I don't take it out.

"I don't think so Viktor. See, I need you to do something for me." Oleksandr says. I let out a small laugh. I grip the gun tighter.

He continues before I can tell him to go fuck himself. "I knew you would decline my offer. But it's okay. The beautiful Miss Anastasiya here," Oleksandr slowly moves his hand from Anastasiya's jaw down to the tops of her breasts, and then back up to her neck. He gently squeezes her neck. Her eyes snap shut and her body stills. She lets out a whimpered cry. "is going to help me convince you otherwise. Aren't we beautiful?" He kisses her cheek, her tiny body wracks with sobs.

Without thinking I take a step forward.


The figure to my right has his gun aimed at my temple. I can feel the cold metal against my skin.

I had been so focused on Anastasiya, and Oleksandr's grimy hands all over her, that I didn't even notice him sneak up next to me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Viktor."Oleksandr says. "Take your hand off your gun." I raise my right hand to show him it is no longer on my gun. "One more move and he will shoot you in the back of the neck. The shot won't kill you, but it will leave you paralyzed from the neck down."

"Now back to what I was saying." Oleksandr continues. "You, Viktor, are going to give me what is owed to me. Your father slowly stripped my father of all his power and influence, and I am here to take it back."

"Leave. Her. Out of this. She has nothing to do with our business." I do my best to keep my voice calm and low.

"That is were you are wrong. She has everything to do with our business. Maxim saw what happened between our fathers. He knew he was next. So he gave up his family's name and control, and he gave it to your father. 'Consolidated' they called it. Your father was so thankful and gracious of this little act that he gave Maxim control of all the assets my father had. Your FATHER. Gave MAXIM. What was MINE." He says through gritted teeth. He takes a deep breath before continuing. "And now you are going to give it back to me. And if you don't? I will just have to take it the old fashion way. I will tie you down, cut off your eye lids, and make you watch as I take your pretty little princess all for myself."

My mind races with every possibility. Every possible thing I could do to get out of this situation. But I keep coming up short.

I need to act fast. I need to get her away from this, away from him.

The figure next to me still has his gun to my head. I take a deep breath, settling myself. Before I can regret my decision I move as fast as I can.

With my right hand I punch the soft spot on the inside of the figures elbow. I grab his gun and shot him in the head. I pull my own gun out of my waistband. A gun in each hand I aim at the men charging in my direction. I shoot off a few rounds in both directions.

One of the men rushes behind me. Before I can turn, I'm hit over the head.

My vision blurs. My knees buckle after one of the men kicks me in the back of the knee. I'm forced to the ground.

"Viktor. Viktor. Viktor." Oleksandr says hovering over me. "That was a bad idea. You probably shouldn't have done that."

I struggle against the man on top of me. I feel a sharp pain in my side.

"You have one more chance Viktor. You screw me over again and I won't be so gracious. You deliver, or I will."

And with that Oleksandr walks into the apartment. His men follow. I hear the distant ding of the elevator.

And they are gone.

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