Part 26

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"Can I talk to you about something?" My voice is quite and meek sounding.

As soon as the words come out of my mouth I instantly regret them. I know it is just going to start a huge fight between us. Viktor was already in bad mood when he came home. He has definitely calmed down since the shower, but he still hasn't said more then two words to me.

We are both laying in bed, naked, tangled up in each other. I lazily trace the tattoos on his body as he runs his fingers through my hair.

Viktor grunts sleepily in response to my question.

I know I have to play this right, so it doesn't go horribly wrong. I sit up and position myself so I am straddling him. I know very well that I am fully on display.

I grab Viktor's jaw and force him to look me in the eyes.

"I want to go back to work." I say as sternly as possible.

Viktor chuckles as he sits up. His hands cup my breasts as he kisses me from shoulder to shoulder.

"No." He simply says. I know he is smirking at me.

I position both of my hands between us and push them outward, forcing his hands away from my skin. My skin instantly feels cold without his touch. He pulls he head back and looks at me. He is no longer smirking.

"I'm serious, Viktor. I'm going back to work." I tell him.

He takes a deep breath in and out. He has obviously had a bad day and doesn't want to continue it by fighting with me. He moves to place his hand on my hip, but I smack it away before his fingers make contact with my skin.

"Anastasiya," it's a mix between a plea and a warning.

"I don't want to talk about it. You told me I could work and I complied. Now this is me telling you I'm going to go to work and you are going to let me." I pause waiting for him to retaliate. But he doesn't say anything. I can see the wheels spinning in his head. He doesn't want to fight with me but he already made himself clear that I couldn't have a job.

I place my hand on his lower abdomen before I continue. "I want to make this work." Holy fuck I can't believe I just said that! "And if this is going to work between us, I can't sit around all day doing nothing. I'm not one of those housewives that lunches and spends her days shopping and gossiping." I move my hand lower. "I want to work." I wrap my fingers around his cock and tighten my grip. "I need to work." Slowly I move my hand up and down. "I'm going to ask Audrey's mom for my job back. It's only a few days a week. I need to get out of this apartment. I need to live and be a part of society."

Viktor tries to put his hand on my waist, but I smack it away. He then tries to place his hand on my thighs, but I do the same. I continue my slow and treacherous pace. "Seriously , Viktor. I'm going back to work. I can't stay locked up in this apartment. My day can't revolve around taking the dog for a walking and waiting for you to come home. I'm going back to work."

He tries to move his hips this time. I know he is in agony. "Let me think about it." He finally responds.

I remove my hands and open my mouth to protest. "I'm not saying no." He breathes in and out. "I ... I just need to think about it."

He isn't saying no. He didn't exactly say he was okay with it either. I also wasn't exactly asking for his permission. I can feel a small smile spreading across my face.

"Now. For the the love of god, women, Can you give me a little more. You are killing me here." Viktor says through his teeth.

I shimmy down the bed, lean forward, and wrap my lips around the tip of his dick. Viktor makes a hissing sound as he inhales through his teeth. I quickly take all of him in my mouth.

I had difficulty taking his whole length in my mouth the first few times. But I've gotten better at controlling ling my gag reflex.

As I move up and down, I wrap one of my hands around the bottom of his shaft and the other around his balls.

"Fuck, malyshka." Viktor breaths out.

I actually enjoy fucking Viktor with my mouth. I revel in the lust and hunger. Every tiny little movement I make with my tongue drives him closer to the edge. I work my hand around his shaft, twisting and moving opposite of my mouth.

I feel him begin to pulsate, he is getting closer. Viktor runs his finger through my hair. He massages my scalp with his fingertips. The feeling makes me moan against him.

"Fuck, malyshka. Oh fuck. Don't stop." Viktor breaths.

I take him deep into my mouth, all the way to the hilt. I massage his balls in my hand, knowing it drives him crazy. It doesn't take long before his hips trust off the mattress. Warm liquid hits the back of my throat. I move my mouth up and down a few more time, sucking off every last drop.

Viktor's hand guides my head up towards his. Our lips crush together.

"Now it's my turn." He says wickedly before flipping himself on top.

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