Part 28

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Peytor jumps out of his chair when I enter the coffee shop around lunchtime. I can't decide who is babysitting who in this whole situation.

As I approach him, his eyes widen and mouth gaps oven. Panic runs through me. I slowly turn my head around in the direction he is looking. I see Audrey flip her hair over her shoulder and show off her gorgeous smile.

"Heyy" She approaches me, waving.

I roll my eyes and laugh at Peytor. "Hello." I hug Audrey. "Peytor, Audrey. Audrey, Peytor." I introduce. "Don't ask. I'll explain later. He's joining us for lunch."

Peytor is practically drooling. Audrey is of course clueless as to why. She eyes us both for a second. I know a million different thoughts and scenarios are running through her head right now.

"Ooookayyyy" She shakes her head, clearing her thoughts. "Whatever. I'm seriously craving pizza. Specifically that pizza that I like from that place a few blocks down."

I laugh at my ability to understand her. "Yeah, I know which one your talking about. Let's go."

Audrey and I link arms as we walk through the semi crowded street. Peytor follows a few steps behind.

"What do you think he would do if we just took off running?" She smirks.

"Ha. Shit his pants." We both bust out laughing.

"Okay. Spill. Why the fuck is there a small child fallowing you around? Is this even legal?"

I roll my eyes. "It's the only way Viktor would let me come back to work." She opens her mouth, but I hold my hand up to stop her. "I know. It's ridiculous. He's ridiculous. And he waited till this morning to tell me. I walked downstairs and the kid was sitting at the table." I scrunch my nose up and make a face. "He called me Mrs. Yahontov."

Audrey busts out laughing again. I glare at her. It's not that funny. "Sorry." She forces a straight face.

"He's over reacting and being paranoid. I don't need someone watching me 24-7. What if I have to go somewhere with your mom? What if a client asks me to go to lunch and talk about artwork? Do I bring him with me? How the fuck do I explain that? Ahh he is just so frustrating. And we were finally starting to ... I don't know how to explain in." I huff, feeling angry and defeated at the same time.

"Well, you were attacked. And in your own home. If I were you I would have demanded it weeks ago." Audrey says in a small voice. She knows her thinking is sound and reasonable.

I take a deep breath and reel in my thoughts. "I just don't want to loose my freedom. I've been locked up in that apartment for far to long. I'm mad at myself that I let him tell me what to do. And I just don't want to get used to living like that. I don't want being locked up, alone in that tower of an apartment, just a play thing for some mafia boss."

"I don't know. Not needing to work and having mind blowing kinky sex constantly. Doesn't sound all that bad." Audrey winks a me.

I give her a small shove. "Shut up. If you were me, you would have chopped his balls off and blown his brains out long ago."

She shrugs. "Depends on how good the sex was."

"Mind blowing. Absolutely, nothing on this earth could compare, mind blowing." We both bust out laughing again.


Peytor and I commute home in silence. I honestly forgot he was there a few times.

When we arrive back at the apartment Odin jumps all over us. I take off my shoes and jacket by the door. Odin begins pacing back and forth by the door.

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