Part 7

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Early Friday morning there was a knock on the door.

I told the two men that my father sent that everything left in the apartment was to go to Brooklyn.

When the apartment is finally empty, Audrey and I sit in silence in the spot that our couch once was. We both told ourselves we weren't going to cry today. But after a few moments we both have tears streaming down our faces. I give her a hug.

"I'm so happy you are here." I tell her in between sobs. "I don't think I could do this without you." I wipe my tears away and look her in the eyes. "Seriously Audrey, I know I haven't told you this enough during our friendship but I'm so glad you are my best friend. I wouldn't have made it through this life without you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, babe. I wouldn't want anyone else as my best friend. I just think of how boring my life would be. I'm serious Anna, everything is going to be fine. We are going to figure out how to stop this, and are going to get through this. I promise." She tells me.

We sit there, on the floor together, for a few more hours. We don't say much more. We just enjoy the apartment that we shared for a little while longer.  Eventually we each grab one of the two boxes left and walk to the subway station a few blocks over.


It's around 7pm when we arrive at my new home/purgatory-nightmare in Brooklyn.

My first act of freedom when I was 18 was moving out of Brooklyn. Yet here I was, years later, being dragged back here. It felt like all the progress I had made was being wiped away.

We are both surprised by what we at. His apartment building is really nice, and looks newly refurbished. I didn't have much expectations, but I wasn't expecting this. I guess I expected more of a shady wear-house or something.

"Evening ladies." A door man greets us from behind a desk in the lobby. He's a middle age man with light brown hair and kind eyes. "Welcome to the building Miss Demidov," He nods at me. "and Miss Hamilton." He nods at Audrey. We both smile and exchange glances at each other.

"My name is Anthony, and I'm the building Concierge. Here are your keys." He says and hands me two sets of keys. I give a set to Audrey and hook my finger in mine. My father must have informed Viktor that Audrey and I are a set pair. Anthony takes the boxes out of our hands and guides us over to the elevator.

"The silver key is for the elevator. Just put it into the key hole next to 25" He instructs.  I turn the key the elevator takes us to the top floor. "Every floor has its own key. Your key is the only key that will make the elevator go up to your floor." When the elevator opens we step out into a small room. "Mr. Yahontov has the top floors all to himself. Your gold key will open this door here." Anthony tells us. I stick the key in and open the only door on the floor.

"Why two keys?" Audrey asks as we enter the apartment.

"Mr. Yahontov likes his security." He says. He sets our boxes on the floor, next to a pile of the others. "When he bought the building a few years ago he put security cameras through out the building and installed the key operated elevator. There is also a security guard he 24/7. They monitor the cameras, and if you need them there is the red button here by the door. And if you need anything from us at the desk Miss Demidov just press the black button next to it."

"Thanks Anthony. And please call me Anna." I tell him. He just smiles and gives me a look that says that will never happen.

"He owns the building?" Audrey says when Anthony leaves and we are alone.

"I guess." I roll my eyes and she laughs at me. "So not only is he a mafia ass hole, he's a paranoid mafia ass hole as well. Great." I give her a thumbs up and a dead eyed smile.

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