Part 11

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I just stand there.

There are a million things running through my head right now.

He has a library. A whole fucking library! There are thousands of books in here. Why do I feel like Belle in Beauty and the Beast? Like, who has this in their apartment? How tall are these shelves? They have to be like 10 feet tall. Holy shit, he even has one of those sliding ladder things.

I slowly walk around the room. Just taking everything in. The floor to ceiling windows continue in this room. There is another fireplace, but unlike the one in the living room this fireplace is made of dark wood.

This room isn't anything like the rest of the apartment. The rest of the apartment is modern and industrial. This has a warm and aged feeling to it, like it's been here for centuries.

A giant mahogany desk sits almost in the center of the room. I run my finger across the lacquered top.

I know he will be back to check on me. So I will snoop later.

A warn leather couch sits in front of the desk, facing the fireplace. There are pillows that match the sheets that were on the bed and thin blanket. I guess that answers the question of where he has been sleeping

Viktor walks back into the room carrying a box of books under each arm. He sets them down and walks back out.

I start unpacking the books. I'm kinda happy I over packed.


The sun wakes me up before my alarm does. Again.

I roll over and check the time. 5:48. Agh, I am not a morning person. I love these windows but they kill me in the mornings.

It's been a few weeks since I moved in.

My first day here, I went out and went shopping. The second day, I finished unpacking and reorganizing. But the last two weeks I've just sat around doing nothing, bored.

So yesterday I started looking for a job.

And then remembered how hard it was to actually get a job.

Thankfully, after a bit of crying to her on the phone, Audrey's mom said she could use me at one of her Galleries.

I relax a little when I find the bathroom empty. He must have left already. I wonder why he leaves so early?

I turn on the shower and just stand under the flow of hot water. I've only figured out how to turn half of the shower heads on, but it still feels amazing. Though I am thankful I haven't figured out how to turn on the wand shower head, cause I have a feeling I would start spending way to much time in here.

After I'm done in the shower I finish getting ready in the closet.

The longer I am here the less I under stand Viktor. His apartment is amazing. Everything about it is immaculate. The modern industrial style is perfectly blended with masculine and cozy touches.

As someone with a masters in interior design, I don't think even I could have put this place together any better. Or made it look so effortless.

Everything is state of the art. From the shower to the closet, all the lights, and everything in the kitchen. It's all high tech and touch screen controlled.

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