Part 18

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Just before noon I am awoken my someone crawling into bed with me. I'm to tired to protest. Audrey's long thin arms wrap around my chest. She hugs me tightly. My body starts to shake and the tears start to flow again.

"Shhhh, it's okay. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." She reassures me.

I roll over and burry my face in her chest. We lay like that for a few hours.


Audrey and I are in the bathroom when we hear a knock at the door. We both look at each other. She raises her eyebrow at me and I shake my head.

She walks over to the door and cracks it open slightly. "What do you want Vicky?"

There is a slight pause. Sometime I remember why I love her so much. I know he is giving her a more then normal intense glare.

"How is she?" I hear him say in a small voice.

"Just splendid, actually, never been better. Attacked and tied up, threatened and injured. You know, just a normal day in the life of a future mob wife." Audrey says with a much sarcasm and venom as possible.

There is another pause before he answers. "Do ah, do you need help changing her bandages? ..." He starts to say something else but Audrey cuts him off.

"I think we can figure it out." And she slams the door shut.

"Thanks." My voice is still horse.

It hurts to talk so I haven't said much since she got here. We haven't even talked about what happened last night. She just said Viktor had called her first thing this morning and informed her of what had happened. I have a feeling she ripped into him pretty good on the phone and even more so when she got here.

She brought her suitcase with her, so I take it she is going to be here for a few days. The thought makes me feel better. We have been avoiding Viktor all day. I can't even bring myself look at him. I'm beyond mad at him, my father, and the world in general. I've never been this mad. Everything just feels numb.

Audrey pulls the box of medical supplies out of the closet. She assess the contents and pulls out what she needs.

Slowly she unwraps my bandages.

"Does it hurt?" Her voice cracks.

"Not really. It just tingles a bit." I say to her. The numbing affects of the jell stuff have started to ware off, so it is staring to burn a little.

She reapplies everything and tapes it all back up.

"Thanks. For everything." I give her a hug and don't let go.

"You sure your okay."

I give her a small smile. "Yeah. I will be."


Audrey stayed for a few more days.

When my bandages didn't need to be changed anymore I told her I would be okay by myself. She was hesitant to leave but I told her I would fine and would call her if I needed anything.

I haven't seen or talked to Viktor since that night. I've been ignoring him. My father has also tried to call me a few times, but I've been ignoring him as well.

Audrey had suggested I call the therapist I had when I was a kid. I went to one after my mom had died. She was nice and had a calm voice that I like. But I was always to afraid to tell her that my father was a mafia boss. So the sessions didn't really help. Eventually I just quit going.

It's around noon and my stomach starts to grumble. I open the door and listen for any sign of life in the apartment. When I conclude that I'm alone, I walk down to the kitchen.

Marta left me a note saying she made me Mac & Cheese because she knew it was my favorite, and knew it would make me feel better. It of course tastes like heaven. And it does make me feel a bit more normal.

I curl up on the couch and turn on the tv. I had been binge watching shows on Netflix for the past few day. As much as my bed had made feel safe the past week, it's beginning to get a bit old. And it's starting to be a reminder of what happen. I just want to get back to normal.

Normally I used to spend my days sitting in the office or out on the on the terrace. Now I can't even look out there without feeling jittery and anxious. And I haven't even thought about going in the office, just in case I might run into Viktor.

I flip through the channels a bit before settling on an old rerun. For the first time in days I do feel a little bit normal. For the first time I also feel really alone in this big apartment ... really alone.

Hey guys! I kept this part a bit short. The last two parts were a little intense and heavy. So I just thought I would give the reader (and my girl Anastasiya) a breather.

Thanks again for reading!! I can't believe I am almost to part 20! I was starting to get a bit discouraged about writing and the story, but a few of you guys sent me some amazing messages and words of encouragement. Thank you!

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