Part 12

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The rest of my day goes by quickly.

All I think about is what Audrey said. I know she is right. I know I was pushing myself to hate him. I never gave him a chance.

The more I think about it, I know nothing about him. We have never actually had a conversation. We have never even tried to get to know each other. Neither of us as asked the other any personal questions.

He does hate this as much as I do. He constantly reminds me of the fact.

Maybe he hates the whole mafia thing too? But he willingly agreed to this whole arrangement. But did he really?

By the time I'm sitting on the train on my way back to the apartment I'm more confused then ever.

I start to question everything he has done. Maybe he isn't such a monster after all.

I open the door to the apartment. Viktor jumps up off the couch and head towards me.

"Where the fuck have you been!? I got home an hour ago and you weren't here!" He screams at me.

What is going on right now? What is his problem?

"I went to work." I say calmly as I walk by him. I walk towards the bedroom.

"Work!? What the fuck do you mean you 'went to work'!?" He grabs me by the arm and pulls me to look at him.

I shove him away from me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I scream back at him. "Don't you fucking touch me!"

I continue to walk away from him. I open the bedroom door and head for the closet.

"Answer my question!" He slams the bedroom door shut.

"I don't have to answer to you!" I say when I get into the closet. I start stripping out of my blazer and dress pants. I don't even care that he is right behind me at this point, I'm so mad. "I can do what I want, whenever I want. I don't have to tell you. And I sure as hell don't have to ask for your permission!" I can feel my throat getting scratchy and my voice getting horse from screaming. "I'm not your property! You don't own me!"

He takes takes a few slow steps towards me.

His voice becomes deep and eerily calm. "If you are going to be my wife you are going to have to get used to doing what I say."

Without thinking, I use all my strength to slap him across the face.

Only my hand doesn't collide with his cheek.

He grabs me by the wrist, and before I can pull away he pins me against the island in the center of the closet. My back to his front, he grabs my other wrist. We are both facing the inlayed mirror on his side of the room. I avoid looking at his reflection and try to squirm free of his hold.

He leans down and whispers in my ear. "I wouldn't try that again."

I continue to writhe back and forth, but his hold is to strong and I can't get free.

"If you don't stop moving I'm am going to do something I will regret." I freeze. Both of us are breathing heavily. "That's better. Now, let me repeat myself. You are going to be my wife, and you are going to get used to doing what I say. You are not going to go out and do whatever you want. You don't need a job. So you aren't going to leave this apartment to go to work. You are going to be here when I get home from work, like a good little wife. You can go out with your friend and she can come here, but you will talk to me about it first. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I don't move.


I nod my head.

"Say it. So I know you understand what I'm telling you."

"Yes. I understand." I say in a small but clear voice.

"Good. Now, I am going to take a shower and we are going to eat dinner. Or would you rather say in this position for the next 45 minutes."

I recoil so my ear is as far away from his mouth as possible.

I squeeze my legs together. I would be lying to myself if I said the thought of us having angry sex in this position right now didn't turn me on.

What is wrong with me? I am in a highly vulnerable position right now. I don't even want to think of all the things he could do to me right now.

"Suit yourself." He says amused and walks into the bathroom.

I don't move. Not until the bathroom door shuts and I hear the shower turn on do I crumple to the floor.

Never in my life have I ever been on an emotional roller coaster like this. I don't know how much more of this up and down I can take. I have never hated someone and been some turned on by them at the same time. I just sit there on the floor, unsure of what to do.



I don't think I have ever jerked off with such force.

I know you can hate fuck. But is there such a thing as hate masterbating?

I don't think I have ever despised a women so much in my life. And I sure as hell have never wanted to bury myself so deep into a women I despised so greatly. What that fuck was wrong with me? Why does she get so under my skin?
And why does she get me so hard at the same time!?

Images of her, half naked and pinned beneath me, run through my head. Only in my head she is bent over and taking all of me willingly. I erupt all over the wall of the shower.

I immediately turn the water so it is as cold as ice and finish my shower.

I don't see her as I walk down to the kitchen.

The door to the rooftop is unlocked so she must be outside. I look out the window and spot her curled up on one of the lounge chairs.

I open the fridge and take out the container of food that's labeled with todays date. There is a sticky note with question marks on it. Marta, my house keeper, keeps leaving me notes asking what Anastasya likes to eat. I keep forgetting to ask her.

I reheat the food and carry the two plates outside. I set one in front of Anastasya and sit down in the lounge next to her.

She kicks the plate in front of her off the lounge, it shatters as it hits the ground. She doesn't look back as she walks back into the apartment. I don't say anything. I just watch her disappear upstairs and finish eating my food.


The next morning I don't get out of bed. When the sun wakes me up I just pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. Good thing I wasn't scheduled to work today.

I few hours later I wake up again. I send Vivian a formal email saying I'm sorry but I don't know if or when I will be able to come back to work.

Exactly 2 minutes go by before Audrey's name pops up on my screen. I hit ignore on the call and text her.

I don't want to talk about it. I will call you when I'm ready. Love you.

I roll over and go back to sleep.

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