Part 25

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There is a soft dusting of snow on the ground as Odin and I walk through Central Park. We have started taking daily walks through different the parks throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan. He has quadrupled in size and isn't done growing. His energy level has also quadrupled.

When we reach one of the off leash areas of the park, I unhook his leash and throw his favorite ball as hard as I can.  I continue throwing the ball across the grass until my arm hurts and Odin is starting to slow down.

As I make my way back to the edge of the park, I get a weird feeling. I don't know what it is. I look behind me a few times but I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

When I turn the corner out of the park I hear someone behind me. As I turn around, relief washes over me.

"Hey! I thought that was you!" Audrey's mother waves at me. "I didn't know you had a dog."

I smile and walk towards her. "Yeah. I just got him. No one really tells you how much work a puppy actually is." We both laugh.

"Ha, yeah, wait till you have kids." She smiles at me.

I grimace.  Vivian realizes what she said. "I miss seeing you all the time. I'm glad you and Audrey have stayed so close through all of this. She told me you two had a sleep over and she ended up leaving a week later." She smiles and laughs.

Over the years Audrey and I have both mastered the art of lying to everyone, including her parents. We developed a way of twisting the truth into the lie. Not only to make it more believable, but so we both could keep our lying in sync.

"What are you doing this Thursday? We haven't had a family dinner in ... well forever." Vivian continues. "I'll make your favorite, Sunday Roast with potatoes and Yorkshire pudding."

My mouth waters at the thought. "I'm absolutely in!" I give her a big hug. "I can't wait!"

Vivian looks down at her watch. "Oh I have to get back to work. My doctor told me I need to stop sitting so much and walk more. So I have been walking on my lunch."

"If you even need someone to keep you company, let me know. These days, pretty much my whole day just revolves around tiring this guy out." I laugh and look down at Odin. He is passed out on the sidewalk.

Vivian can see right through me. She gives me a half smile. "There will always be a job for you at the gallery. I know it not what you wanted to do with your life. But it's more then ... being a stay at home dog mom." We both laugh.

A stay at home dog mom. I guess that's the best way of putting it.

"I know." I give her another hug. "Thank you."

"Your welcome honey." She starts walking back in the direction she came. "See you Thursday!" She waves goodbye.


it's mid afternoon by the time I get back to the apartment. Odin pads his way over to his favorite spot next to the windows and curls into a tinny little ball. I curl up in a blanket on the couch. I wasn't cold until we were riding back across on the ferry.

Half an hour later, Viktor walks in the door. He looks exhausted. He stops, takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh. He walks straight towards me, lifts me up off the couch and throws me over his shoulder.

"Your home early." I say to his lower back. He makes a grunting noise in response.

He walks up the stairs, to the bedroom, and doesn't stop until he gets to the bathroom. He sets me down on the bathroom counter and turns on the shower. His silence continues as he starts undressing. I slide of the edge of the vanity and copy his actions.

We stand there looking at each other, completely naked. His eyes roam over my body, drinking in every inch. I study his face trying to figure out what is going on in his head. His eyes are black and emotionless, almost empty.

In an instant his body crashed into mine. He take my face in his hands and our mouths instantly connect. We melt into each other. His mouth and hands are rough against my sensitive skin.

Viktor's fingers dig into the back of my thighs as he lifts me up again. Before I know it my back slams against the cold tiles of the shower. He rubs his cock through my folds to make sure I'm ready before he violently slams into me.

I definitely wouldn't normally describe our sex as gentle and loving. Viktor is rough and dominating, and my body reacts to it so intensely. In no way would I call myself a submissive. We both usually walk away with more bruises then we started. He smacked my ass so hard the other night, there is still a slight bruise on my right butt cheek. When I told him he left a bruise he smirked and said it was payback for the scratches and bite marks I usually leave on him.

It's like our bodies were made for that thin line between pain and pleasure.

But this time seems different. There is a different type of need in him. Viktor runs his fingers through my hair and pulls, hard. I open my mouth and cry out. He take my bottom lip between his teeth and bites down.

The muscles in my body begin to tighten and twitch. My orgasm quickly follows. Viktor doesn't stop, he doesn't even slow down. He continues his assault on my body.

I know I should pull away. I should tell him to stop and demand he tell me what is wrong. But my body is enjoying every bit of the anger he is taking out on me. Another orgasm racks through me.

My back is starting to hurt from the pressure of being pushed against the wall. I know the insides of my legs are going to hurt after this. Even with the pain, I can feel the pressure of my orgasm building again. His fingers pull and pinch at my sensitive nipples. My orgasm explodes through my body and I cry out. With all his strength Viktor thrusts into me a few more times before he stills.

He rests his forehead against mine and tries to catch his breath. We are both breathing heavily. After a few minutes he pulls away and looks me. His eyes have almost softened back to normal.

"Hi." My voice comes out small.

"Hi." Viktor says back. He tucks my hair behind my ear. I'm very positive my hair is a complete mess at the moment.

I grab the soap and washcloth, and start washing his body. As I work the washcloth over his body I can see him start to relax. The more he relaxes, the more completely exhausted he looks.

When I get to Viktor's neck I notice a few drops of blood under his jawline. I don't say anything to him. I just wipe it away before I can start to think about it.

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