Part 9

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Sunlight streaming in through the windows wakes me up.

It's too early.

I try to roll over and go back to sleep, but the room is flooded with light. I guess that is the only downfall to having giant windows that are to big for curtains.

I look at my phone and see it's 6:02.

Definitely way too early to be awake right now. Ugh.

I sit up and rest my back against the thick tufted headboard. I unplug my phone from the charger and scroll through social media.

After a few minutes my bladder starts to wake up. So I pad my way into the bathroom.

When I walk through the door my eyes are instantly bombarded with male flesh covered in tattoos. I avert my gaze.


I thank God he at least has a towel on. It's thin and hanging very low on his waist. But at least it's something.

Then I realize that I'm only wearing underwear and a T-shirt. I pull down my shirt down with one arm and cover my chest area with the other.

"I have to use the bathroom." I say in a small voice. Why do I feel so awkward right now?

"Okay. The towels are in the closet. Do you need me to show you how to turn the shower on?" He says. All while still getting ready.

"No. I have to pee." I say a little louder. Why is he so frustrating?

"Look princess, we are going to be living together. We might as well get used to each other." He says while looking at me through the mirror. I just glare at him.

"I'm not peeing in front of you. I have know you for a less then a week." Now I really have to pee.

"I'm running late as it is. Don't be such a prude. Use the damn toilet. I won't look, if that's what your weirded out by or whatever."

"Ugh" I roll my eyes at him.

I speed walk to the toilet. I hurry and pull my underwear down and sit as fast as I can before he sees anything.

He bends over the sink and goes back to getting ready. I watch him as the mussels in his arm and back move slightly as he brushes his teeth. He isn't grotesquely muscular, but he definitely works out.

Yeah. He definitely works out. And often.

I don't know anything about tattoos. I know each tattoo means something different, but that's it. They are all placed randomly, all over his back and left arm. His whole right arm is covered, from his wrist to his shoulder. I can make out some on his chest from his refection in the mirror. There are even a few on his legs.

He turns around and I get a better look at his front. In the center of his chest is a skull with with flowers and vines around it.

"Princess, if you chew on your lip any harder you will draw blood." He says.

I'm instantly snapped back to reality.

Fuck! I can't believe he caught me staring.

I can't believe was was actually staring at him. Ha Ha who am I kidding, I was practically drooling over him. Ah, I'm disgusted at myself.

I pull up my underwear and flush as fast as I can. I know he's watching now since he caught me watching him. I quickly wash my hands and speed walk out of the bathroom. I don't look at him.

what is wrong with me?


"Okay, so don't get mad at me. But honestly, I was just a bit taken back." Audrey says through the phone.

"Bitch, you just left me there with him. Who knows how many people he has murdered and disposed of, and you just left me there alone with him." I roll my eyes at her even though she can't see me.

"Oh please, quite being so dramatic. He is just another mindless minion. He wouldn't go against your father and do that to you." I know she is right. "But seriously. You kinda forgot to mention that he is literally the hottest Russian man on the planet. Like are you sure he is even Russian? Cause that man looks like a mix of Greek God, Roman God, Norse God. All the Mythical Gods put together. Like, I just had to get out of there before I started drooling all over the floor."

"He's a murderer Audrey. Just cause he is hot doest mean he doesn't take part in the trafficking of drugs, guns, and actual human beings." It makes me sick just thinking about all the things him and my family have taken part in.

"But that apartment. That apartment was immaculate. There is no way someone with that great of taste can take part in all of that." she says sarcastically.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very Funny." I say in a dead pan tone back to her.

"So what are you up to today? Please don't tell me you are lounging on the couch, just looking at that view. Some of us are out here stuck at work."

"No. I'm walking around Ikea at the moment. Fucking prick tried telling me what I can and can't do. So I'm at here at Ikea, looking at bookshelves." I tell her. "I honestly think I'm just going to pick the ugliest one. Like the one that will clash the most with his whole dark industrial look. It will probably drive me insane to look at it all the time. But I don't care cause it will cause me even more satisfaction that it is driving him insane." I smile at myself.

"I don't know Anna, I think you guys might be a lot more similar then you want to admit." She says in a too confident voice.

Good thing she is on the other side of the Hudson River cause I could slap her right now.

"Um, and what makes you think that?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Hey, I'm just saying, you guys both have kinda the same style and you both are seriously way to stubborn for your own good. Who knows, maybe he secretly despises his father."

"Yeah I doubt that. He even said her hates this situation as much as I do and that he was being forced to let me sleep in his house, in his room, and in his bed." I say in a deep mocking voice.

"Um, wait, what did you just say?" I roll my eyes at her. "You're sleeping in his bed?!" She says in a hushed yell.

Fuck why did I have to say that?

"Yes, but not with him in it! I don't know where he slept last night."  Before I can say anything else she interrupts me.

"So does that mean you are sharing a bathroom too?" She asks

"Yeah. I had to pee this morning and the fucking ass hole wouldn't get out. I had to pee in front of him! Agh! He is infuriating."

"Wait, you actually peed in front of him? Like, he was standing there, in the bathroom, and you sat down and started peeing?"

"Yeah. I had to go!"

"Damn girl. It took you like, a year before you peed in front of Rob." She says surprised.

My stomach turns cold.

"Hey, I thought we weren't going to talk about him for a while." I say to her.

"Shit. Sorry. I keep forgetting." She says in a small voice.

I know she didn't mean to do it. I honestly think she really misses him too. We were all so close these past few years. It was almost as if she was dating him too.

"What do you think is worse? bright multi colored floral print, baby pink, or bright pink floral bedsheets?" They are all hideous.

"Umm, probably the bright floral pink." She laughs at me.

We both know that no matter how much I despise my father and everything about him, I 100% inherited his malice, ruthlessness, and vengefulness.

I don't care how much he hates me already. I'm going to make it my mission to make his life a living hell.

One of us is going to crack and go crying to their father.

And it's not going to be me.

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