Part 5

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We both just sit there.

Neither of us say anything. Neither of us move.

If looks could kill, we both would be dead. We are like two children having a staring contest. Seeing who will blink or talk first.

I stay calm on the outside. Because on the inside I want to scream. I want to break everything in the room. I want to rage and throw the tantrum of the decade.

But I don't.

I say nothing.

I know if I open my mouth nothing good with come out of it. So I cross my legs, fold my arms across my stomach, and lean back into the couch. letting him know I can sit here all night.

There is no way in hell this is going any further. I have refused my father my whole life, I'm not stopping now. I have refused to associate with anyone in the organization. I have refused to be a part of this lifestyle. And now I was going to refuse to take part in this arrangement.


Just thinking the word made me want to choke. Arranged marriage. I understood what my father meant when he said this was a "solution" to help fix the brotherhood and some shit. He thinks he can use me as his little pawn to help him win the game he is playing. But I will not be apart of it. This isn't the 1700's, and I'm not Marie Antoinette! My life is not part of some diplomatic bullshit solution.

I have blocked my father out of every part of my life, and he has graciously let me. This is going to be any different. I will not go through with this.

I'm so close to finally achieving everything I have worked for. I am about to have my dream job, in the perfect city, with the love of my life.

And then the realization hits me. I smile to myself and try to suppress a laugh.

I had always thought my father was the devil himself. But this time he has really out done himself.

"Something funny little Princess?" Victor says in Russian. His eyes stay dead, but a sly smile plays on his lips.

I ignore the demeaning pet name I know they all use behind my back. I know he is testing me by speaking Russian and calling me Princess. I stare blankly at him, pretending I didn't understand what he just said.

I despised the Russian language. I despised the horrible things that were said in that language. I had learned Russian so I could listen in on conversations I wasn't supposed to hear. I'm not going to expose myself, especially to him.

I also take too much pleasure in the irritation I know it is causing him.

He rolls his eyes and his jaw does this little tick thing. "Something funny?" He asks in English.

"These violent delights have violent ends,"

He raises an eye brow at my odd answer.

I uncross my legs and lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees. Mimicking his stance. "I was this close to getting out." I say as put my hand in front of my face, my pointer finger and thumb almost touching. "This. Close." I say again, trying to get my point across.

My hand drop and my fingers interlock between my knees.

"I should have known it was too good to be true." I laugh to myself. "I should have known, that no matter what I do in life, my father and this fucking mafia bullshit will always be there to fuck it all up!

"Last minute, come in and pull everything out from under me.

"I am perfectly happy with my life! I have a fiancé! We are in love. We are supposed to move across the country together. Away from all of this!" I run my fingers through my hair, tilt my head up to the ceiling, continuing to laugh to myself and this whole situation. "And just when I thought maybe, you know maybe, he would let me go. He goes does this to me."

I let out a sigh. "He tells me I have to marry you. My father can't just punish me a little, ya know? Nope. That's going to easy on me. Normal fathers just cut their daughters off when they don't like their boyfriends. But not Maxim. Nope. My father forces me into an arranged marriage!"

He just stares at me. I'm starting to think he just naturally looks pissed off all the time.

"These violent delights have violent ends." I say to him in a serious tone. "Just when I am at my happiest, Maxim Demidov has to come in a kill it. Quite literally I assume. I mean you are going to kill him? Right? You or my father? And then force me to marry you? And then lock me in a hole somewhere for the rest of my life? Or are you...." Before I can finish he stands up quickly.

He opens his mouth to say something, but my father open the door. Viktor turns away and heads towards the door, muttering something to his father on his way out of the room.

His father rolls his eyes at his son and gives me, shockingly, apologetic look. "You will get used to my sons anger." He says to me. He remains standing as my father sits in the newly vacated spot across from me. "Maybe when you two become lovers his temper will calm for you."

I look blankly at him.

The word 'lovers' makes me want to scream and then vomit and then scream again.

He can't be serious?


Like this man actually thinks I will ever have any positive feelings towards his son?

I pray to whatever is out there that this whole thing is a joke. Or a dream, and that I'm going to wake up soon.

My father clears his throat loudly, and my attention returns to him.

"We want to move this along quickly. So the two of you will be married in six months." My father says sternly. He waits for my response, but I give him none so he continues. "I will send of my men to your apartment Friday morning to get all of your things. Victor has a very nice apartment not to far away from here."

"And what if..." But my father cuts me off before I can finish.

"I'll kill him." He says it without hesitation, without feeling. I knew this was his plan. But hearing him say it out loud takes all the oxygen out of my body. "You are going to end your little relationship. You will tell him to go to California, without you. If you don't, I will have him killed. You tell him anything you shouldn't, I will have him tortured and then killed slowly. If you speak to him again or if he stays in New York? I will have him tortured and killed slowly, and will make you watch." He stands and takes a few steps so his presence is tower over me. "And Anastasiya, if you decide to run? I will have him tortured and killed slowly while you watch. And then I will do the same to her."

THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for continuing with this story

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More chapters will be coming soon!

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