Part 10

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"Soo, how's the married life going?" Sasha asks with a smirk.

"Yeah, how is the old ball and chain?" Gregor butts in 

I glare, menacingly, at them. I was hoping I would get a few moments of normalcy, and not have to think about the person living in my house.

I'm also surprised it took them a while 10 minutes to bring her up.

"Fuck off before I knock you both flat on your asses." I go back to the pictures scattered across the desk in front of me. Hopefully they will get the hint to focus on work, and not my fucked life.

Shipments of product keep going missing. Who ever is doing it is a clever son of a bitch. They are all our smaller shipments, and they are taken at complete random. It took us months to figure out they were all connected. We don't even know how long it has been going on.

"Aw, come on man. We know she moved in yesterday and she spent the night." Sasha presses on.

"Come on dude. We have been together our whole lives. We just want to know if you fucked her? How was she?" Gregor say with a vulgar smile on his face, like he is imagining her in his head.

"You wanna ask me that again? Go ahead and  say that again." I stand up.

"Come on man. You at least see her naked? You know, in the shower or changing clothes?" Sasha does that stupid thing with his eyebrows that I hate.

I pick up the cup full of pens that's on the desk and throw it across the room at him. He ducks. The cup misses his head but a few of the pens hit him in the face.

"You better pick that up." I tell him. I sit back down and continue looking over the security pictures the dock sent over.

"Come one man, lighten up. Since when did you become so up tight about your conquests? You are alway the one that rubs it in our faces when you fuck a new girl." Gregor says to me.

I take a deep breath and try not to roll my eyes at them. They aren't wrong. I don't know why I don't want to talk about her with them. Nothing happened, I don't know why I can't admit it or deny it.

This whole thing has me fucked up.

"Look, I hate that bitch." I tell them. "I hate this whole fucking situation. No. I didn't have sex with her. I don't want to have sex with her. I want her out of my bed, out of my apartment, out of my fucking life." I sit back in the chair and tilt my head up at the ceiling.

I want just want to go home. But I can't go home because she is there. I just want thing to go back to the way they were. My life was better without her in it.

The door opens and Magnus walks in with the new recruit, I can't remember his name, trailing behind him like a little puppy.

"Hey Mags, hows puppy training going? You got him house broke yet?" Sasha jokes.

Magnus smacks on the back of his head.

"How's the bosses daughter? You take that sick out her as and replace it with..." Magnus starts to say but I cut him off.

"Finish that sentence Magnus and I will shoot your little pet between the eyes." I say through my teeth.

He puts his hands up in defense. The kids eyes get big. He looks back and forth at Magnus and I.

"Alright. Alright, man. I just came to ask if we were still on for cards Tuesday night?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" I raise my eyebrows at him. Challenging him to say something stupid.

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