Part 14

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I kick everyone out around 1:30 in the morning. Most weeks I hold my own, but I couldn't concentrate after the guys started talking about Anastasiya.

I wanted to kill them all for the vial things they said about her. I hate how protective I have starting to feel towards her.

But she is mine. Just because I don't want her doesn't mean she isn't still mine to claim. The last thing I would ever let them do is touch what is mine.

I should have shut it all down before it even got started. Especially Magnus. Magnus wouldn't stop talking about her.

The desk light in my office is on when I open the door.  Anastasiya is sitting in her chair in the corner, fast asleep with a book still in her hands. I stand there watching over her. Should I wake her? Should I let her sleep the rest of the right here?

I roll my eyes and curse at myself.

Gently, I scoop her into my arms. This is a bad idea. The women sleeps like a rock though, never waking up.

I slowly walk down the hall to the bedroom. I gently kick the door open and catch it before it hits the wall.
I have a feeling if she woke at this very moment she would rain holy terror down on me.

She may hate being Russian but she sure does have the anger in her.

After gently placing her on the bed I throw the ridiculous pink thing over top of her. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I had been holding. A small noise escapes her lips and she rolls over. She looks ... different when she is asleep.

Something stirs in my stomach. I want to hate her. I need to hate her. I do hate her. Part of me does at least.

I grab some clothes out of the closet and walk back to my office.



I am once again woken up by the sun. I am starting to hate those windows. I need to go buy one of those eye mask things you sleep in. Maybe then I would be able to sleep in till a decent time.

Wait. How did I get into bed? The last thing I remember was reading in the office.

Fuck, I must have been so tired last night. I don't even remember getting in bed.

I look down and see I am still in my clothes from yesterday too. I must have just fallen into bed and instantly went to sleep.

I try to roll over and go back to sleep, but it's useless. I grown to myself and punch the pillow in frustration.

I am definitely a girl who loves her sleep. And I hate not being able to sleep in.

Add that to my list of things I hate about my life.

I need coffee.

One of the few joys I still have in my life. Coffee.

I change into other clothes and head towards the kitchen. Before I close the door I already smell the sweet aroma of coffee. Thank god for Marta. That women is a true angle.

"Good morning," I say in a cheery voice.

I stop short when I realize it's not Marta in the kitchen.

"Good morning, miss Anastasiya." Vladimir is sitting at the kitchen island drinking a cup of coffee. "I don't know how you prefer your coffee, so I left it in the pot."

"Thanks" I say timidly. I pour myself a cup and stand across from him at the island.

"I have things I need to take care of at home in Russia. Cut off some lose ends, as you would say. I just wanted to stop in and say my goodbyes in person. I don't know how long it will take me to deal with these matters. So I probably won't be back until the wedding." He looks at me. I know he is studying me. Wedding. Just hearing it out loud makes it all to real and I want to vomit.

"I know you don't want this arrangement Anastasiya." He continues. "Your father has been very open with me over the years about your ... dislike, of the life you were born into. You have been very good at complying. I thank you. My son has always been ... difficult. Even as a child, he was strong willed and angry all the time. You are both very similar in many ways."

Vladimir stands from his seat and starts towards the door. He glances at me before leaving, his eyes soften just a bit. "Give this a chance. Give him a chance. Like I said, you are both a lot more alike then you both want to admit. Once you get to know each other, you might actually start to like each other." And with that, he walks out the door.

I stand there a second before walking out onto the terrace. I lay down on the outdoor couch and look up at the sky.

I just wish everything would stop and rewind.

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