Part 22

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I feel the bed shift a little beneath me.

Suddenly I realize it's not the bed that move. My body is completely covering Anastasiya.

I start to gently roll off of her, not wanting to squash her. But a soon a I move she makes a noise in objection. She grabs my arm and pulls me on tops of her like a blanket.

"Anastasiya, I'm too heavy. I don't want to crush you." I say

She mumbles, groggily, at me "No. I like it."

The sun has fully risen over the buildings, blinding the room in light. I lean back and press one of the switches on the nightstand. An electric charge runs through the windows causing them to turn dark and opaque.

Anastasiya's body jolts up, she whips her head around at me. And then back at the windows. "I've been here for months and you never thought to mention that before now!?" She yells at me.

She playfully hits me with one of the pillows.

"Oh, you are going to regret that." I growl playfully at her.

I barrel roll on top of her, back and forth over the mattress. I squeeze her tightly and she squeals. I then pick her up and throw her small frame over my shoulder.

"Wait, what are you doing?" She huffs at me.

"Taking a shower." I say as I walk into the bathroom.

"And you are taking me with you?"

"Yup." I smack her naked ass. She lets out a yelp.

I turn on the shower and wait a few seconds for it to warm up. When the water is ready, I set Anastasiya down in front of me.

"You feel okay? Does your leg hurt?" I ask.

"I'm a little sore," she replies shyly. "my doesn't hurt all that much."

She tilts her head back, letting the water run down her face and get her hair wet.

She is absolutely stunning. Her long eyelashes, her high cheekbones, even her nose is cute.

I run my thumb along her jawline, from the bottom of her ear to her chin. Her lips slightly part, I run my thumb along the bottom of them. They are full and beautiful.

I look up slightly. Her big beautiful eyes stare back at me. They are like the arctic, bright blue with shadows of grey.

As I tower over her, I feel like I'm looking at her for the first time.

I know she is still the same women that hates the organization and everything that makes me, me. But I just can't seem to hate her as much as I used to. She distanced herself from the organization because she knew her life would always be in danger, and her father would eventually pawn her off. Visions of her being tied to that chair have been haunting me for days.

"What are you thinking?" She brings me back to reality.

"I've had a taste of you, and now I can't get enough of you." I lean down and kiss her. Her lips feel amazing against mine. I pick her up and wrap her legs around me, pinning her against the tiled wall. "I need more."

Our bodies fit perfectly together. I, slowly, slide myself into her. It takes everything in me to hold back. I know she is still sore from last night, so I don't want to hurt her. Moving in and out of her so slowly is torturous. And the noises she is making isn't helping.

Her insides clinch around me. "Fuck, malyshka, you feel so good."

I begin to move faster, and her moans get louder. I capture mouth her with mine, and intertwine our tongues.

She runs her fingers through my hair and pulls, hard. A growl erupts from the back of my throat. I pump into her harder.

I'm getting close, and I can't hold back with her. I reach around rub her clit with my thumb. After a few seconds her insides tightly grip me and being to pulsating.

"Fuck!" I yell out as Anastasiya screams into my shoulder. I move in and out of her a few more times before I explode.

When our breathing begins to return to normal, I gently set her back on her feet. I grab the soap and begin to work my hands over her body. She does the same. We spend the next few minutes silently, and blissfuly, washing each other clean.



I'm sitting at the kitchen island, tightly wrapped up in my robe.

Viktor insisted on making me lunch after he cleaned up the mess from last night. He's not much of cook so he just made us both sandwiches.

Neither of us have really said anything since we got out of the shower. It's not an awkward silence, but we aren't all that comfortable either.

I just don't know what to say to him. Are we going to talk about it? Or are we just going to ignore everything, and see how things play out?

I know I'm over thinking things. I tend to do that.

Does this change things between us? Are we together? Do I even want to be with him? Am I developing feelings for him? 

My mind is spinning.

I glance over at Viktor sitting next to me. He is just looking at me. I know he is studying me. He wants to say something, but he is waiting for me. Waiting for me to finish internally freaking out or waiting for me to say something, I don't know.

"This doesn't change anything." I tell him.

"I know." He breaths out.

"I don't know what to do."

"I don't know either."

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