Part 24

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Two hours, and no less then five orgasms, later. Viktor and I are sitting outside on the terrace when the elevator dings open. We both stand up and walk inside to greet his father.

When Viktor shakes his fathers hand and embraces him in a hug, a small whimper come from behind them.

"Ah. That would be the surprise." Vladimir announces.

Behind Vladimir is a large square object with a black clothe draped over top. He removes the cloth, revealing a small grayish-brown ball of fluff.

"He hasn't got a name yet." Vladimir tells us. "I thought you two should be the ones to name him."

I cover my mouth to muffle my scream. I sit down on the floor and open the kennel. In an effort not to scare him, I slowly reach in and pick him up. We are both making tinny whimpering noises. I curl the small shivering dog into my arms. He is the cutest puppy I have ever seen.

He is so little, he barely weighs five pounds. He looks like a tinny wolf pup. His paws are already too big for his body.

"Jesus Christ father," Viktor says to his father in Russian. "What the fuck did you get us a dog for? The last thing I need right now is a puppy to train and deal with."

I continue to pet and coo at the dog, pretending I'm not listening.

Vladimir laughs at his son. "Son, don't act like you will be the one taking care of it. You don't even take proper care of your future wife." I hide my smile. "We both know Marta and Anastasiya we be doing most of the work. And I didn't get the dog for you." Vladimir continues in English. "He is a gift to Anastasiya. A guard dog. He will grow up to be a fierce protector."

I look up at Vladimir with a love struck smile on my face. "Thank you."

Vladimir smiles and nodes his head at me, a silent 'you're welcome'. Viktor continues to glare at his father.

Only he would be pissed about getting a puppy. I roll my eyes at him.

"Hopefully he will do a better job then that damn security system of yours." Vladimir snaps at Viktor.

With the puppy in my arms, I carefully stand up. "What kind of dog is he? He looks more like a wolf then a dog." Trying to change the subject.

"He is an East Siberian Laika. A good Russian hunting breed. He has a lot of growing to do. He will be big and strong in no time." Vladimir pats the tinny puppy on the head. "I better go. I told your father I would meet with him as soon as I landed." 

We say our goodbyes as the elevator doors close.

I look over at Viktor. He is just staring down at the puppy in my arms.

I rise up on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. "Don't act like don't like him." I turn to my side so he and the dog are face to face. "Look at his little face. How can you hate something so cute." I say in a cutesy voice.

Viktor kisses me on the forehead. "I don't hate him. I just wish he would of at least asked us if we wanted a dog. We don't need a dog." I look up at him with big babydoll eyes. I stick my bottom lip out slightly for added effect. He rolls his eyes at me. "Don't worry. We are keeping the dog." He huffs

The biggest smile spreads across my face. "Oh I was keeping him no matter what you said."

He runs his thumb across my bottom lip before he leans down and takes it between his teeth. "Yeah I figured you would." He says with a smile.


"So? What are you going to name him?" Viktor asks.

It's dark out and Viktor and I are relaxing on the couch. I'm curled up in Viktor's lap, and the puppy is curled up in my. He is fast asleep making little snoring sounds.

After Vladimir left, the three of us went to the pet store to get supplies. Well, more like I went to get supplies. Viktor just followed behind and paid.

"I don't care. You should name him?"

"We should name him together." He rolls his eyes at me. "Fine then, I'm naming him Harry."

"No, we are not naming him Harry." He laughs at me.





I roll my eyes at him. "Then what do you think we should name him then?"

"I don't know but something a little more intimidating then Harry or Stevie."

"We aren't naming him fang or beast."

"Boris" He says jokingly.

I just laugh at him. "No. We aren't calling him Boris. If we are going that way then we are naming him Romulus."

"He's Russian, not Italian."

The tinny little ball of fur opens his mouth wide and yawns. One of his eyes opens and the other ones stays shut.

"Odin." I say.

Viktor contemplates the name for a few seconds. "Odin." He repeats while looking at the puppy. "Odin."

The puppy shifts his head so he is looking up at us. "I think he likes it." I rub the bridge of his nose with my finger. Both the puppy and I yawn at the same time.

"Okay. Let's get both of you to bed." Viktor says as he sits up on the couch. I carefully put my hand under Odin and pick him up.

We set up his wire kennel in the bedroom, next to the bed. The new plush bed we bought him earlier fits perfectly inside it.

The girl at the pet store gave me a few books on puppies and puppy training. She also told me to put a worn t-shirt down for him to sleep on. I gently place Odin down on one of mine and one of Viktor's shirts.

He starts whining as soon as I close the door on him.

"Shhh. It's okay baby. Shhh, Odin. Go to sleep." I whisper. I lay down on the very edge of the bed. Right next to the kennel.

Viktor groans next to me on the bed. I roll my eyes at him.

"He better not whine all night."

"Oh, shut up." I blindly hit him with my hand. "He is a puppy. And he is in a new place, so he is scared." I turn my head and glare at him.

"He is absolutely not sleeping in this bed either." Viktor glares back at me.

"I know. He just has to get used to sleeping in his kennel."

After a few minutes Odin begins to calm down. I continue to lay on the bed and watch the small body breath in and out.

Viktor eventually rolls over to my side. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me tight against him.

"He is pretty cute." He whisper against my ear.

"Yeah. He is." I whisper back.

Viktor kisses me the cheek.

We both slowly drift asleep.

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