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   I can't believe I'm doing this right now. I can't believe I let Louis talk me into this. As if the hot summer sun beating down on me isn't enough, I'm having a hot flash just from the sheer stress of walking onto the set of a music video.

   As I stumble around the busy set in search of Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry, I begin to wonder how things got to this point so quickly. After all, I just met them a little over three weeks ago, never once having anyone in my life that I could call a friend, and now suddenly I have five.

   Five potential friends.

   If I've learned anything about the band, it's that they're all extremely goofy and not at all the arrogant assholes I thought they were. Louis and I are the closest. I'm his best girl, and he's my best mate. Niall is like the big brother I've always wanted and never had. Liam gives the best advice and strangely has a fear of spoons. It's safe to say that he'll never hear the end of that from me. Zayn is funnier than he gets credit for, and he's extremely down to Earth and artistic. My mom and Zayn would get along well I think.

   That just leaves Harry. There isn't much to say other than I've finally stopped dreaming of him. He's a cool guy, and we have a lot more in common than I would have thought, but ever since the album party where we danced, he seems to be avoiding me, and I don't know why. Normally I wouldn't care, because my dad avoids me all the time, but I hate him so it hasn't ever phased me. Harry on the other hand, does bother me, and I don't know why.

   These thoughts and more continue to plague me as I stumble around the set of what Louis told me is the music video for one of their first singles called One Thing. A refreshing summer breeze blows through my wavy hair, cooling me down slightly and calming my anxiety. I play with the rose ring on my pinky finger to keep me distracted from how awkward I feel just standing around doing nothing. The boys are no where in sight, and all I see are crew members giving me strange looks and random props that make me wonder what kind of music video this is.

   We are in the middle of a large park that is cluttered with big orange bouncy balls, five bicycles, one small white car that's fit for a toddler, and a random white dog that keeps barking its shrill bark. I cringe at the sound, losing any ounce of admiration I had for the creature upon hearing its never ending yapping. This is why I'm a cat person.

   "I thought this was the video where we highlight the fans? Aren't the models supposed to be on set for What Makes You Beautiful?" A deep voice sounds from somewhere behind me, but there's no way they're addressing me, so I continue to look around for the boys.

   "That is correct sir," Another voice says that sounds like it comes from a much younger and nervous boy.

   "That's what I thought. Hey! Excuse me!" The same self-important and obnoxious sounding human says, raising his voice a little to catch the attention of whoever he's trying to talk to.

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