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Something about this kiss is different than the rest. In the past they've been rushed and sloppy, still full of passion, but nothing compared to the bliss of this one. This one isn't fueled by lust or any dirty thoughts, only love.

His hands cup my cheeks and he leans his body into mine, pushing me back gently so that I have to grip onto his flexing jaw for support. Soft curls run along my fingers that I tug on gently as his mouth slowly grazes my top lip before barely pulling away so that I can still feel his breath heavily on my lips but with no contact.

After what feels like an eternity but is only a few seconds, Harry kisses my plump bottom lip with his perfect heart shaped mouth, finally fully connecting his mouth to mine and gliding his tongue between my lips.

Harry pushes his tongue into my mouth at a painfully slow speed that causes me to push my body into him more, and I pull on the ends of his curls more harshly than before. Our tongues play with eachother, fighting for dominance of the other's mouth, but his wins out like it always does, taking refuge within my mouth before he pulls it out and sucks on my top then bottom lip.

We pull away and open our eyes, staring into each other as we catch our breath. His green irises fall back to my lips that I'm sure are a deep shade of pink from his attack, but he quickly pulls his gaze back up to my eyes before taking his hand from my jaw and running a finger down my temple to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my hair.

"Do you mean what you said?" He asks, struggling to keep his focus on my eyes instead of my lips that I can tell he wants so badly.

My brown eyes continue to watch him as I really ponder his words. Do I mean what I said?

Do I really think I might love him?

I've always thought he is beautiful. From the moment I first met him I was captivated by his bright green eyes that made me feel like I had never seen the color green before until looking into him, but his beauty doesn't end there.

Everything from his dimples to his chestnut curls that seem to be longer every time I see him, all the way to the structure of his face give him the appearance of being sculpted by God himself. The radiance of his skin that is blemished by delicate ink in the shapes of roses, ships, and sparrows is enough to send me into overdrive, craving every square inch of his tall and lean body.

As if his deadly looks aren't enough, there is just as much beauty living within him as there is on the outside. He's kind and he's funny, having an immense sense of humor and a glowing personality. His need to do right and respect every single person he comes across despite whether they deserve it or not is something I've always envied and grown to love.

Harry's heart is twice the size of a normal human's, beating so intensely for those he loves, and he'd sooner fight for the respect of someone else over the respect that he deserves. I'm almost certain the boy doesn't know the definition of hatred, only giving love and admiration to everything this world has to offer.

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