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"Aunt Beauty!" Little Freddie Tomlinson shouts when I open the front door to reveal Louis with his son on his hip and two pizza boxes balanced in the other hand. A smile spreads across my face at the precious little boy, blonde locks poking out from a beanie and little body kept warm by a jean jacket with a fur collar that exemplifies the uncanny resemblance he shares with his father.

   The small boy shoots his arms out and grabs for me with his hands, so I comply with his wishes, it would be impossible not to, and easily steal him from Louis. Freddie practically leaps into my arms, a glorious laugh ringing out like bells coming from deep within him. Tiny arms wrap around my neck instantly as the three year old buries his face into my neck. I swing us around, the cold air pouring in from the open door and melding with the dark backsplash of night that hangs behind Louis Tomlinson.

   "Hey, little man! How's my best boy?" I coo at the angel amongst men in my arms, a smile illuminating his chubby dimpled cheeks that I reciprocate back to him, scrunching my nose playfully to make him laugh more.

   "Oi!" Louis interrupts offendedly, face scrunching and mouth frowning. He pushes his way in, shutting the door behind him with the heel of his foot. I'm quick to lock it, proceeding to follow him into the kitchen where he sets the pizza boxes down. The entire time, he complains, "I seriously can't believe this right now. I thought I was your best boy, and now me own son's replacin' me?"

   "That's exactly what's happening, Tommo. Get with the program. Maybe if you'd made more of an effort to see me over the past year, you'd still be in my good graces," I smirk at him with a cock of my head and a shrug of my shoulders. "Besides, little Mercury here is way cuter than you."

   I bump noses with Freddie, tickling his sides to illicit more laughter that makes my heart swell. Handing him back to his father who he hasn't seen in some time thanks to Louis' busy schedule, I walk to a closed kitchen cabinet where I find plates to put our pizza slices on.

   "Would you please stop calling him that?" Lou groans at my nickname for Freddie. "Also, I am so beyond sick of your bullshi-"

   Opening the pizza box that unveils the pepperoni slices, I raise my eyebrow in warning at the ex-boyband member, watching through stern eyes as his blue gaze that identically matches his son's, slowly dances back and forth between me and the child in his arms.

   "O- of your bull," he corrects himself with a stout nod.

   "Shit!" Freddie joyfully finishes for his father, making us both gasp, mouthes dropping open and eyes widening to the size of saucers.

   Instantly closing the box of pizza I'd opened with hopes of finally getting to stuff my face with some, I reach forward and take the child from Louis again, spinning him around until his baby toothed smile grows in size again, using my index finger to gently tickle his chest as I chirp, "Did you learn those no-no words from that scary man over there?"

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