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   For the first time in a long time, things are looking up.

   It all started when I got a strange text from Harry saying that he sent me something in the mail and not to question it. So what's the first thing I did when the parcel arrived to Charles' house and I opened it to find a key, two tickets, and a letter that had directions to Harry's house? I questioned it.

   He sent me a key to his house and one ticket to fly to Florida in early October, the other to use to get into the final concert of the Where We Are Tour.

   "What is this?" I demand when I call Harry.

   "I told you not to question it."

   "That was very stupid of you, because you know I'm nosy and was gonna ask anyway, so tell me why you're sending me a key to your house. Don't you think that's moving things a little too fast? I only agreed to a date, Harry and-"

   "Slow down," the green eyed boy starts to chuckle, instantly making me stop to catch my breath from the dramatic rampage I was about to go on. "Your mum and I don't like the idea of you staying with Charles after what he did to you."

   "Since when do you talk to my mother?" I ask him with a strange sense of amusement in my voice. The thought of him being close with Jane makes me oddly happy like it's something I never knew I wanted.

   "Um," he pauses like I just asked him the dumbest question ever before continuing, "Not long after the pictures of us in the park dropped."

   "Huh," I shrug nonchalantly.

   When my conversation with Harry ends, I didn't say a word to Charles or Celia, so basically continued about my everyday routine of ignoring them, but completely disregarded them when they asked me what the hell I was doing. I guess the sight of your estranged daughter lugging boxes full of all of her shit that she hasn't moved in years out of the house and into a cab is something worth addressing.

   "What do you think you're doing?" Charles sharply rounds the corner with Celia latched to his arm like always.

   "Leaving," I grunt as my foot struggles to open the front door through the crack I left in it, my eyes barely able to see over the large cardboard box full of books and other random crap.

   The door suddenly slams in my face and the box goes tumbling from my hands. "What the hell?" I shout when I turn to see Charles with his hand on the door and Celia sneering down at me.

   "Where are you gonna go?" My father grimaces as if he has me beat.

   "None of your business," I bite back with as much venom as I can muster when in reality I'm shitting bricks with worry that he'll hit me again. I've never really been scared of my father, but his recent actions along with Bennett's have made me more skittish than ever.

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