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   She can't keep her eyes off me.

   But in return, I can't take mine off her. The entire day, throughout every different look I've been in, every chance I get, I set my foresty gaze upon her, simply admiring her beauty like I've always done, but something about the way she has watched me through hooded lids, dark lashes casting shadows over her high cheekbones, has me on edge.

   There's lust swirling around the honey pools in Belle's eyes that threaten to pull me in and drown me beneath the sickeningly sweet waves.

   So far, it has taken every ounce of restraint that I have to avoid walking off this set, grabbing her by the wrist, dragging her into the dressing, and bending her over the vanity to fuck her raw.

   But somehow I've managed to do it, and finally, my opportunity to do just that is arising.

   Since the moment I came out of hair and makeup this morning with my curls gelled down to my head, a gold cast placed over my features, and a mauve lipstick glided over my lips, Belle's cheeks have been a natural shade of fuchsia that put the artificial blush on mine to shame.

   Whether the flush stems from pregnancy symptoms or a similar need for me that I'm feeling for her will be something I'll soon find out.

   As Georgia Rose has stood at the back of the set all day without making so much as a peep, she's still managed to steal the attention from every human being at this photoshoot for Beauty Papers which to be honest has only spurred me on to give this photographer a good ass photo every time his finger clicks the button on his camera. The sooner I'm finished, the sooner I can take her and commit the very sins that every man in this room wishes they could practice on her.

   My eyes drift over to her for the millionth time today just as the photographer encourages me on, the simple look on Belle's face causing me to push towards the finish line.

   She takes all of her hair into one hand and throws it over her to shoulder to one side of her neck, revealing some of the ungodly tan skin that I have committed to memory, every inch of her softer than anything I've ever felt. The butterfly pendant along with the pearls that now belong to me sit at the base of her throat that bobs as she gulps, collarbones becoming more prominent as she tenses under my gaze.

   I watch her hungrily with a smirk on my face as she brings her cherry red bottom lip into her mouth, sucking slowly with teeth sinking into the plump perimeter of her mouth, tongue taking in the strawberry flavor that I have ingrained permanently in my mind when she allows it to dart out to wet the already glossy surface.

   As if she knows exactly what she's doing, she brings her thumb to her mouth, lightly sucking the tip as her eyes bare into mine, only bringing the extremity out to see the light again when she plays the action off as simply biting her pale pink thumbnail upon the prying eyes of someone else falling upon her.

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