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It's a shame that today is such a beautiful day for two of the most repulsive people on the planet to get married. When it should be dark, cloudy, and cold because of the joining of two evil forces, it's bright, clear skied, and a temperature so perfect that Mother Nature practically calls you to come outside and bask in her glory.

Celia has quite literally been the bride from hell. Everything she's demanded, she's been given. It's no wonder she has no sense of how the real world works, because she practically thinks the whole damn planet revolves around her.

She even asked me to be in the wedding as one of her bridesmaids, but of course I politely declined.

I told her to fuck off.

That moment is the highlight of my summer so far which should clue everyone in that this summer has been an absolute shit show.

I've done nothing but lay around and get dragged to do wedding stuff with Charles and Celia. This is what my life used to be, and I obviously had no problems. However, making friends really does ruin everything, because now the things I used to do for fun absolutely bore me to tears. Who knew laying around and watching the same eighties movies that I've seen a million times could get boring.

Wake up, eat, watch The Goonies, go do wedding stuff, eat, watch The Lost Boys, sleep, repeat. That sounds like a slogan that would go on some stupid t-shirt, but sadly it's my life now. I'm stuck living like a broken record, going and going until eventually I'm right back where I started.

But now someone has finally taken me off the record player and set me in a pew at the very back of some stupid wedding, yet my mind is still waiting like it has been all summer. They promised they'd be here. Their plane landed in London days ago, but management has been so strict about recording their second album that I haven't even had a chance to see them, much less talk to them.

"Stop worrying, babe. They'll get here when they get here," Jane Granger leans over and says over the dull chatter of Charles and Celia's family members- my family members. I chew on my bottom lip and continue to twist my rose ring around my pinky in angst, too nervous that they won't make it before the ceremony starts.

"Shouldn't you be a little more on edge too? You're practically their biggest fan over the age of thirteen," I snap, letting my nerves get the best of me causing my poor mother to be the recipient of my pent up frustration.

Where any other mother would snap at their child for such a comment, Jane only laughs, taking pleasure in the remark that was only meant as a joke. Her giggles sound like music, coming out light, airy, and genuine. She truly is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, inside and out.

Her skin is a lovely golden shade, even in the winter when the sun seems to be fleeting. Long brown waves swim down her back to her small waist, the color complimenting her eyes that constantly appear to be changing color. Sometimes they're just a dull brown, but they vividly change to hazels and golds upon the storm of her emotions.

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