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   My bedroom is a mess with clothes thrown everywhere as Taylor, Kendall, and the new addition to our group, Caroline Sawyer help me pack for my escape to Japan for the holidays.

   This year I've been so busy with all my PR appearances with Bennett Cameron, having to attend one almost every other night, that I've hardly had any time to decorate my house for Christmas. The most I was able to do was put up my tree, however not a single decoration has graced it since the day I lugged it from the attic in early November.

   Life has been absolute hell for awhile now, and not even the joy of Christmas has been able to help me forget. All I can think to do now is run, but even then, I know I can't escape Bennett and my management forever. I'm practically bound to them.

   However, I can't deny my thankfulness towards Christine for even allowing me to spend my holidays alone without being glued to Bennett's side. The woman made sure to enforce the idea that wherever I go needs to be somewhere remote so that my appearance away from Georgia where Bennett's family are spending Christmas won't raise questions against the "close source" that's going to leak to the tabloids that we're happily spending the holidays together.

   "Are you sure that you guys can't come with me?" I plead with Taylor and Kendall again as they work to fold my clothes for me while an offended Caroline hands me a sweater to put in my suitcase.

   "Nice to know I'm appreciated. Do you have any idea how upset my mom was when I told her I'm not coming home to Texas for Christmas but instead going to Japan with my super famous author friend?" Caroline questions, shoving more warm clothing items at me with her spindly ringed fingers.

   "Oh, Carl," I extend one arm and wrap it around her shoulder, using more force as she resists until eventually melting into me. "You know I love you, and I'm really happy you're coming, but my ego needs all of you to tell me I'm not a total idiot for signing with Modest after seeing first hand for five years how they treated One Direction like property, and now they're doing the same to me."

   Caroline rolls her eyes harshly before pulling away and leaving the room to go gather a few of the other things on the list I made for packing purposes. Kendall takes the other dark haired girl's place next to me, instantly reaching over and rearranging the mess of clothes that I shoved into my suitcase during my rambling episode.

   "First of all," the model starts, "I'm not going to tell you that you aren't a dumb ass, because you are. Second of all, I have a big family who would hunt you down and murder you if I chose to spend Christmas with you instead of them. Third of all, if I didn't stay here, who would come check on your cat everyday?"

   Points were made.

   For a moment, I open and close my mouth like a fish looking for any plausible argument against her statements, but find none, finally settling for defeat. I shrug her off with an annoyed wave of my hand and a knit of my brows in frustration at the situations I keep finding myself in. Kendall sends a knowing smirk my way before shooing me away so that she can fix the mess I made within my suitcase.

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