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  "Two, three, four-"

   I fall to the floor with a gasp, clutching at my chest as there's already a terrible constricting pain from all the tears clogging up my senses, but I've done it. I've actually done it.

   The hardest part is over.

   Now all I have to do is sit back and listen, Harry's voice already drowning out the screaming of Kendall and Taylor downstairs.

   I pull my knees to my chest and hug them tightly as the tears start to fall uncontrollably. Olivia rubs up against me with confused meows leaving her small mouth in wonderment of what is wrong with me and the sounds of Harry's voice that she hasn't heard in years but I know she's missed.

   Cats are cold and calculating, only warming to someone when they want something before pulling away again once they get it. That's why I've always been drawn to them. We're so similar, but Olivia is like a dog in every way she can be. Her heart is big, and she is constantly dying for human contact. She reads the people she's around, always knowing when someone's intentions are bad and who she can trust. She misses people just like a dog would miss an owner. Olivia is a healer, and for years she's been tiring herself out to heal me.

   Removing my hands from around my knees, I pull Olivia into my lap and start hugging her close to my chest, tiny paws wrapping around my neck as she nuzzles her head close. Taylor's words about how the person a song is inspired by would be the only one to truly know whether that fact is true or not, and in this moment as I let myself drown in Harry's words, I know that she's right.

   Meet Me in the Hallway.

   "Just let me know, I'll be on the floor, on the floor. Maybe we'll work it out. I gotta get better, gotta get better-"

   He wanted to make amends, but like always, I had to be too stubborn. Maybe if I had answered his calls...

   No! After what he did in the hallway, which I know for a fact is the one he mentions in this song, he didn't deserve to hear from me. At least he acknowledges that, but Harry's always been too good at recognizing his wrongs... something I've been jealous of for as long as I can remember.

   "'Cause you left me in the hallway, give me some more. Just take the pain away... We don't talk about it. It's something we don't do. 'Cause once you go without it, nothing else will do."

   In the end, our lack of communication is what killed us, but apparently despite saying no one will ever compare to me, the son of a bitch sure found someone quick. That is a pain I will never forget. Who was there to take my pain away, Harry?

   Sign of the Times.

   I instantly recognize this song as the one he was singing in the shower that night we arrived home from my mother's funeral. Something that should have been easily forgotten is a memory that never can be because of the circumstance. I will remember every detail about that day for the rest of my life from how numbing everything was to the sound of Harry's voice echoing from the bathroom as he kept changing the lyrics.

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