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   Regret is the worst feeling. Knowing that you've done something and can't take it back no matter how badly you want to is like dying and then coming back to life again until you remember the pain you've caused, and then the cycle restarts.

   Where's Dr. Emmett Brown when you need him, because I would love a time machine right now.

   No amount of money or fame is ever worth losing a friendship- losing five friendships, but when your mother has been financially unstable for years and then loses her job, that money suddenly becomes somewhat worth it. I don't know how the boys are doing, but I'm not doing much better. I'm sure they're not well, but I've kept my phone locked away since the last group of interviewers left yesterday.

   Each interview was harder than the last, asking invasive questions and trying to get me to give private information about Harry and the boys, but I refused. I only gave them what they told me they came for, and that was a scoop on a secret relationship between Harry and me.

   I can't even remember how many times I had to say we are just friends.

   The setting sun outside transformed the living area of our small house into a golden paradise. The world outside is only half a blue sky while the rest is painted with brilliant yellows, oranges, and pinks. Summer sunsets have always been my favorite, and it's been so long since I've been able to really enjoy one at home in Georgia.

   A Blondie record is playing on the record player in the corner while I sit at the table and tally up how much money I've made over the past two days. Taking into account our everyday costs along with what it will cost us to move if Jane gets a job in another school district, she should have enough cushion to last her for awhile.

   However, I didn't add up what my college tuition will cost when I start next fall after my gap year. I'm also hoping that I get more time to write once all this dies down, so maybe I can actually get my book published and make a living that way, but until then I need to find a job as soon as possible.

   When there's a knock on the door that causes me to lose count of the dollar bills in my hand, I get up from the kitchen table with a small and dramatic groan, running to turn my record down with a small smile. The wad of cash is still in my hand while I make my way to the door over all the clutter in our house.

   My mom has been gone all day in search of a teaching job in smaller cities nearby, so it's probably her at the door. "Mom, did you really forget your keys again?" I yell through small chuckles as I get closer to the door. The quirky woman insists on keeping her house keys and car keys on a separate chain, and her reasoning for that is beyond me.

   "Well," I say as my hand turns the door knob. "This should be enough to keep you afloat for as long as you n-"

   My words die down to a dull whisper when I see him standing there, sunlight gleaming behind him and transforming his long curls into a golden brown and giving him an angelic look. His eyes stare at my frozen form at first before they fall down to my hands and see the money gripped within one of them. One look at his standoffish body language lets me know how angry he is.

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