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Portugal. Another new country every night for the past month and a half has been taxing enough as it is, so I can't imagine having to do it nonstop for almost three years.

When I first joined the tour it was England, then Scotland for a night before we were back in England for another two days. I've traveled to but hardly seen Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, and the list goes on and on.

I thought I'd be with them until the very last night of the tour in my home country, but a state I've only dreamed of visiting- Florida. Instead, after a two night stint in Spain that brought nothing but chaos, I'm leaving the boys in Portugal while they jet off to Canada in the morning.

The worst part is that I have to stay with Charles for the rest of the summer since Jane can't afford to fly me home, and I'm not really in the best position to ask the boys for anything. It's not like I want to anyway. I don't need their help with anything, not now and not ever.

Charles said the only way he'd fly me back to London was if I promised to stay with him and Celia like I used to, because he supposedly misses me. Maybe he does, but that doesn't make this any better. At least I'm getting away from Harry.

From now on, things will be just like I always thought they'd be from the moment I ran into One Direction on a sidewalk that night in London, and they made complete fools of themselves. I'll only ever see or hear from them again through a screen. I'll continue to watch their careers grow as they forget about me and all the petty drama that has ensued in all of our lives since fate brought us together.

Tears prick my eyes at the thought as I finish packing up my suitcase and throw it to the ground with a small yet angry scream. Fuck these stupid emotions! I absolutely hate them, and I hate those five stupid boys for making me feel them when I never wanted to in the first place!

An onslaught of salt water pours from my eyes when I fall down onto the bed in a heap, pulling my sweatshirt closer to my body and simply sobbing at how everything that was supposed to go right ended up going so wrong.

I'll miss Niall's easy sense of humor and his contagious laughter that made my own stomach hurt with obscene giggles.

I'll miss Liam and his caring personality, always giving the best hugs after a long and meaningful conversation that always ended with him giving the best advice that almost rivals my mom's.

I'll miss Zayn and his quiet creativity, constantly observing everything around him to know when someone was down and becoming my shoulder to lean on when I wasn't feeling the greatest.

I'll miss Louis and his crazy and outlandish jokes that I could easily bounce off of, never taking each other too seriously for we both understood each other's humor, something not many people ever have.

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