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"Who is Harry Styles to you?" The interviewer asks me.

I never wanted to do this. I never wanted to be sitting here in my own living room with some woman and her crew from a basic magazine who is most likely going to twist every word I say, but here I am.

It's only been two days since I woke up to my world being turned upside down. That day I made the decision to live as normally as possible- well as normally as I can. I haven't been watching TV or going on social media, I've barely left my house in case of the off chance someone recognizes me and follows me back, and I haven't been in contact with anyone other than my mother and One Direction... until now.

Saturday, August 2nd. I found out that the world believes that Harry cheated on Kendall Jenner with me. They have no idea how right they are, but they just don't have enough solid evidence to prove it. However, I'm sure there are plenty who know the truth, but I wouldn't know since I've been avoiding every single app on my phone except the music one.

The entire day was spent hunching over the toilet and throwing up every bit of food and anxiety that plagued my body, not being able to keep a single thing down. Even a sip of water was a rarity, because the cooling liquid would upset my nervous stomach so much.

My phone kept ringing off the hook, and I was so tempted to pick it up and look, almost answering once when a strange number called, but Jane was quick to rip it from my hands and turn it off, tucking it away so I was no longer tempted.

"You should at least answer Harry," Jane told me over the dull sound of a Disney movie playing on our television. "If you don't want to talk to him then at least let the other boys know what's going on and that you're okay," she added, running a thumb over my hand gently when I didn't answer, only choked down another wave of nausea.

I didn't take her advice.

But I wish I had, because maybe I would have slept that night instead of worrying so much about them.

Sunday, August 3rd. I slept my day away again. After staying wide awake all night, I finally fell asleep just as the sun was coming up, but when my dreams were filled with butterflies and green eyes, I jolted awake to the unfortunate realization that I'd only been graced with sleep for a few hours.

I was practically unrecognizable when I looked at my reflection in the mirror. After a day of throwing up my entire stomach and no sleep, I could have passed for Emily from Corpse Bride with my paling skin and bright purple under eyes. What's worse is that even the slightest thought of putting something in my mouth made me feel like throwing up again.

With the beginning of the new school year coming up, Jane was called into work for a meeting at her elementary school, so when I sluggishly came out of her room, I found a note telling me to eat and leave my phone alone.

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