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I used to read as an escape.

Picking up a book and flipping through the pages, even if for the millionth time, was my only true hope of living out the hopes and dreams I never thought I would.

In my mind, love amongst other things only existed in the fairytale worlds I would immerse myself in to escape a dark and lonely life where my own parents couldn't even fake being in love long enough for my impressionable mind to believe it could be real. 

From knights in shining armor and evil wizards with an unexplainable vengeance, to high school hallways and whirlwind romances, somewhere along the way of reading word after word and flipping page after page, the stories I read about slowly became my life.

However, the Prince Charming, daring adventures, wicked villains, and mystical spells didn't come in the forms I thought they would. They appeared in the form of Harry Styles, concert arenas, silly little high school boys, and something called falling in love.

As my own storybook continues to write itself, I still struggle to believe that it has chosen to bring me here.

I was never supposed to get pregnant. Harry and I were never supposed to have a baby, at least not yet, and he definitely wasn't supposed to find out the way he did. I imagine it would be difficult for anyone to find out something as important as that from the woman they love while she's pleading for her life underneath a psychopath, but Harry has been a real trooper about it all.

He's been amazing actually.

Thankfully everything with the baby is fine, the hospital keeping our visit confidential, however the press ate up the fact that Harry filed a police report regarding being mugged at knifepoint. It's not exactly what happened but close enough.

My green eyed boy insisted on my name not being involved thanks to everything I already dealt with in the press thanks to Bennett, so to some degree I was thankful, but I also didn't want him to take the brunt of it all by himself. However, H has never been bothered much by what people say about him.

Even when he was at his most insecure the summer I first met him, his worst day looked like one of my best.

For days, I stayed hidden away in Harry's house, simply too scared that the five men would find me again and retaliate, but they never did. In fact, the police finally caught them, arresting all five and ending my fears in one full swoop.

But the nightmares were only just beginning.

Almost every night without fail, I'd wake up in a cold sweat, gripping my slowly growing stomach for dear life with the sounds of crying babies mixing with my own screams echoing in my ears. Bits and pieces of each mugger such as Point Break's blonde hair and Jason Dean's cold eyes would morph together to form Bennett's face looming over me...

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