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"No, you don't understand. I'm begging you! Please, please don't. This baby, it-"

Abercrombie begins to shush me as he brushes a few strands of hair from my face, his touch gentle but still making me feel ill nonetheless.

"Shh, pretty princess, it's okay. We can help you make another-"

A massive gust of cold air hits me in the face that causes me to clamp my eyes shut and clench my fists against my chest in anticipation for a reared back fist to smash into my face, but it never comes. In fact, I feel a weight instantly lifted from my body that isn't metaphorical but physical.

My eyes fly open in what may be premature relief, but I'm more than elated to find that there is no longer a body looming over me anymore. Without another thought, I throw myself into a sitting position and crawl on hands and knees towards the large stone wall that lines the sidewalk I was just attacked on, my muffled ears finally popping.

Taking labored breaths in and out, practically hyperventilating, I lean my back against the wall and blink away the remaining tears while gripping onto my stomach for dear life. I don't know what I would do if something happened to this baby- our baby.

Fuck, I still have to tell Harry.

I haven't known for that long, but long enough that he'll probably be pissed I didn't tell him. In my defense, we weren't exactly together when I find out, but there is really no excuse I can make for keeping this a secret.

God, I should have told him that night in the rain.

But maybe it's better that he never knew. At least if I die here tonight, he'll never know his baby died with me.

As I blink away the final tears, staring at my legs that are splayed out wildly in front of me, right arm still thrown protectively over my stomach and left arm holding me up, the remainder of the shock dissipates from my system.

My vision is slowly unblurring and regaining color from the white hues that overtook it, a tingling sensation dances from my head to my toes as the blood begins to gush throughout my veins again, my brain functions enough for me to realize that red liquid is still slowly dripping from the cut in my cheek so I reach up to wipe it away, and the feeling of cotton balls in my ears slowly passes before disappearing all at once.

The feeling that the world is moving in slow motion wavers as though I'm teetering on the edge of a rooftop, but suddenly a rough hand pushes me off with all their might, a nauseous feeling overtaking my being and the world speeding up along with it.

I whip my head over to the source of the noises that have just become apparent in my ears, eyes swelling to the size of saucers at the sight of a broad body on top of another. All I can see is the back of a person covered in a dark orange sweater, their fists flying up and hitting the fidgeting body beneath them that I can only assume is Abercrombie, because Wolfie, Point Break, BFG, and Jason Dean are standing frozen in shock.

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