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I wrap my arms around his shaking shoulders as Harry sobs into my chest, tears pouring down his face and creating a wet spot on the pink blouse he was wearing earlier this evening before we got home, to our home, and he handed it off to me.

He starts to sniffle and wipe at his nose as he sits up with red eyes and a puffy face, frantically brushing his curls from his face as he pulls away from my embrace and sits up. A smile tugs at the corners of my lips, and I glance down at the couch cushions, because the more I look at him the more I'll be tempted to laugh.

"Something funny?" Harry croaks, voice hoarse from his crying fit.

Not wanting this day to end, despite the time on the clock signaling it already has, we came home and decided to cuddle up on the couch, stuffing our faces with leftover birthday cake while watching stupid movies. I wanted to watch Adventures in Babysitting, but H wanted to watch The Notebook, and since my birthday is technically over, the game of Rock Paper Scissors I lost declared him the winner.

"Yes," I giggle, eyes nervously glancing between his moist face and the rings on my fingers. It's safe to say that I've been miserable the entire time, absolutely bored out of my mind and hating every second of this film. My only solace has been getting to watch Harry cry like a little baby the entire time.

"How are you not sobbing?" He asks dumbfounded, wide eyes following me as I push myself up from the couch and go replace The Notebook DVD with Adventures in Babysitting, smug look on my face the entire time. I bend down slowly, giving him the perfect view of my backside, smirking cockily to myself when I hear him take in a sharp breath.

"Because," I stand up and saunter back to the couch, Then He Kissed Me by The Crystals playing quietly from the television as the movie starts. "It's predictable, and to be fair," my finger points at him as I sit, face glazing over in curiosity. "You've known me long enough to know that I don't cry, so the fact that you thought the fucking Notebook would change that makes me laugh. Plus you just look like a big baby."

"But how does that not make you even the least bit sad?" His mouth hangs open, shock written all over his face that is slowly returning to normal from crying. "It's so sad! The whole thing!"

"It's predictable."

"No!" He gasps.

"Yes!" I mock, rolling my eyes and turning my focus towards the movie I've wanted to watch for the past two hours.

"You're crazy," Harry follows my actions and crosses his arms over his chest.

A small scoff leaves my lips as I laugh to myself at how angry he's getting that I hate his favorite movie. The silence and separation that plagues us for an extended amount of time brings an ounce of sleep to my eyes, yawn sounding from my lips that sends me cuddling myself deeper into the couch cushions, but just as I get comfortable, Harry sits up quickly and whips around to face me, finger waving around in the air as his mouth opens and closes, words forming on the tip of his tongue.

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