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   Backstage is the most insane place I've ever been. All I've done is venture from my room for a few minutes to see if I could find Harry, and find Harry I did.

People are running like madmen through the halls, shouting a mass of unidentifiable words at each other that all blend together to make a roar that swarms around my head. As I quickly decide to turn around and head back to my dressing room for the little time I have left before I have to take part in something I've been regretting since the moment I told James Corden I'd do it, I smash myself against the wall and slide across the smooth surface in an attempt to avoid the rushing studio executives who I keep bumping shoulders with.

"Will you at least give me a hint to one of the questions?" A deep British voice, smooth like velvet, sounds from somewhere down the hall in front of me... at least I think the sound is coming from in front of me. It's too hard to tell with all the heads that intercept my view and the many other voices the take over my senses.

I struggle to listen, trying to hear if anyone answers, but I only come up with other voices that I don't recognize from the tsunami of people around me. At one point, I hear a woman complain that the show starts soon and nothing seems to be ready which slightly offends me, because I've been ready for what feels like hours at this point, impatiently waiting in my room with nothing but a book that I've already read a million times to keep me company.

Granted, at one point a stylist came in to bring me my jumpsuit for the night which is a perfect combination of white and black with straps in all the right places and long flowy sleeves that still manage to expose my shoulders. She even helped me with my hair and makeup which was nice considering I can't do either thing for shit.

But besides that, I haven't had human interaction all day, so when Harry finally comes into view, my heart starts to beat at warp speed with excitement before stopping dead in its tracks. And when I say it stops dead, I mean it stops beating to the point where my body comes to an immediate halt without my brain even giving it permission, and I'm almost tempted to clutch at my chest, but that would bring too much unnecessary drama to it all.

Seeing him is like any other time I've ever seen him- even like the first. He's beautiful, there's no denying that, but his charm and subtle arrogance still hits me like a wall. However, getting to truly know him is what made all of that as endearing as I find it now. His unworldly kindness and acceptance of all has never been hard to see either.

Physically, he looks like he always does. His curls are in a styled mop on his head, and the dimples caving in his cheeks are present, green eyes brightening when he sees me. He wears a white shirt and basic suit pants that seem to travel higher up his waist every time I see him. As he passes me, time slows drastically, the world cruelly allowing me to get a whiff of the same musky vanilla cologne he's always worn.

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