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   He's beautiful.

   When I wake with a clear head for the first time in months, the first thing I do is roll over and lay my golden eyes on him. He truly is the most beautiful person I've ever seen, looking more innocent than usual with his face softened in slumber.

   Green eyes are cloaked by his eyelids, thick lashes the color of midnight fanning out over his high cheek bones that are just as structured by the gods as his sharp jaw. Pink lips are slightly parted as his chest rises and falls slowly with each little breath he takes.

   Dark curls spill over the pillow in a chestnut halo around his head, each ringlet twisting about and drifting down the cushiony white fabric like a waterfall. One single strand is tumbling down his face, so I fully sit up and reach over to gently tuck it behind his ear, the brunette tress softer than anything I've ever touched in my entire life.

   Harry shifts suddenly, eyelids starting to flutter as he lazily opens his eyes and looks up at me, softly smiling as he says, "Good morning."

   "Hi," I beam down at him more happily than usual for today is a very special day.

   "What's got you so smiley?" He grins, dimples indenting in his cheeks and crinkles forming at his eyes.

   Olivia stretches herself out at the end of the bed before stalking up towards us and plopping herself down in between Harry and I where we both reach out to pet our little child. "You're joking right?" I ask Harry with a little smile as my teeth graze my bottom lip, eyes moving from Olivia's bright blue ones that always seem to be glowing, all the way up to Harry's emeralds.

   "What is there to joke about?" He groans, bringing his hands up to his face and roughly rubbing the sleep from it.

   My face falls at his words, pure shock taking over every excited emotion I had at the fact that he really forgot. I know tour starts back today, so maybe that's distracting him, but this is a first in our relationship, and I can't help but be sad- irritated even.

   Eyes gleaming over coldly with my incoming bad attitude, I pick up Olivia and set her on the floor, making Harry's brows scrunch together in angry confusion seeing as he was in the middle of playing her. Then I dramatically tear the covers off of me and throw my legs over the bed, placing my feet on the cold wood before starting my journey to the bathroom.

   Laughter from Harry can be heard from behind me which only manages to piss me off more, but suddenly his arms are around my waist and my back is being held against his bare chest, legs kicking out as I try to squirm away.

   My back meets the bed again, Harry crawling over me with a cocky grin as his hair and necklaces fall in my face. "Harry, stop!" I try to sound as angry as I can, pushing against the swallows inked into his chest while his fingers start to play with the pearls clasped around my neck that I never take off.

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