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   This tour has been no different than the last or any of the tours before that, but in a way it has been. Even though the songs are the same and the crowds are just as enthusiastic, the difference is in how the songs are being performed by four instead of five.

   Zayn may physically be on that stage, but mentally he's elsewhere. Every night without fail, he leaves the stage breathing heavy, sweating more intensely than the rest of the boys, and almost trembling. I'm always there to help, but most nights he pushes everyone away and doesn't want it, retreating to his dressing room to talk to Perrie.

   Tonight however, is different.

   When Best Song Ever ends and the boys take a final bow, Zayn comes running off stage in a sweat. He sprints to the darkest corner and bends over, hands on his knees and breathing heavier than ever.

   "Zayn!" I scramble to get to his hunching form, ice cold terror coursing through my veins that something is seriously wrong.

   "I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe," he keeps repeating over and over, falling to the ground in a ball with his head between his hands.

   I sink to my knees and start rubbing a hand along his sweaty back as I start to panic a little myself, confusion and fear taking over every ounce of my senses while he continues to mutter how he can't breathe and takes in shaky breath after shaky breath. Harry, Niall, Liam, and Louis come dashing over, throwing their mics to whoever's waiting to catch them before they all slide to the ground around Zayn.

   "What's wrong?" Louis crouches over him with worry before looking up at me when Zayn doesn't answer, only continues to breathe heavy and stare wide eyed at the ground. "What's wrong with him?" Louis makes Zayn jolt slightly when he yells a little too harshly at me- not out of anger but in fear for his best friend.

   "I think he's having a panic attack," I worry with a small shake of my head as my gaze falls from Louis to Niall who's standing far back with a hand to his mouth as he watches in tears with no clue what to do.

   Liam and Harry are crowded around Zayn with Louis and I, Harry continuing to switch his gaze from Zayn to me, the gleaming salt water in his green eyes threatening to flood over any second. I continue to massage Zayn's trembling back as he rocks back and forth, my quiet and calm shushing not doing much to calm his breathing. My own fingers are trembling with an anxiety that doesn't even begin to compare to his, but I can't help that I'm scared too and can only hope what I'm doing is helping, because in reality, I'm not sure I really know how to.

   "I need space," Zayn mutters finally with a raspy voice. I'm only now noticing the entire stage crew and management are flooded around us. However, none of them seem to have heard what the boy said except for me.

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