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The next morning I woke up at 5am to squeeze in a few hours of work before heading to school. Early mornings in New York is the best. All the beautiful architecture glistening in the rising sun by the time I got to work the sun was fully up, but it was the beauty that made the summer sun worth it. I walked through the glass doors to check on the dough I had prepared the night before. When I was suddenly stopped by Linda, "what are you doing here?!!!" She said in a caring tone not an angry one. "I came to fit in a few hours" I responded, "are you kidding Melody! you have school today, your first last day of high school!!!" "It's not a big deal Linda school doesn't start till 9am I'll make it to the subway in time." "Fine she said but you're not staying past 8am". "Fine", I responded those two hours passed pretty fast i took the train back to Brooklyn and walked two blocks to ridgemont. The first class on my schedule was English. I sighed with relief English is the only class I would feel motivated enough to come to first thing in the morning. It was something about the rules, the hidden messages the blank canvas of a pen and paper that impressed me the most. And trust me there are not many things in this world that impresses me.

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