Chapter 9

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The king took me to this white room which smelled like bleach and everything looked like it had never been used. That's how clean it was.

"Alpha Jaxson" Somebody said who the hell is Alpha Jaxson? I  tried to look around but my head was pressed into his chest and it felt rather comfortable to lie in his arms. What are you saying? Arabella get a grip he kidnapped you. I felt a grunt in response.

"How can I help you master?" The voice said it sounded like a girl talking. Who is the master? Do people really call somebody master? Will I have to start calling him master? Surly not absolutely not I will not do that.

"She needs to be seen too." He chucked me onto a bed and I screamed in pain nearly losing my breath, he growled "Don't scream." He said and looked at me in my eyes. I swear he was staring into my soul. His red eyes were like blood looking into my green ones. I nodded my head.

A person walked over, a girl with brown hair and red eyes she inspected me "What happened to her?" She asked him.

He just stared at me and his eyes glazed over like he was in deep thought, suddenly the nurse started to get equipment "My name is doctor Smith but you can call me Abby, What happened Arabell?" Abby looked at me. How do you know my name? I wanted to ask her but I didn't. I just stared at her like she was mad.

"Answer her" Alpha Jaxson said he grabbed my chin and made me look at the doctor "Answer her or I'll make your pain 10 times worse." He shoved me back onto the bed, my body screaming tears coming out of my eyes.

"Th.. th.. th" I tried to get my words out but I just kept hiccuping.

"Fucking speak you weakless human." He slammed his fist into the wall leaving a massive dent.

"The guard." I said looking at the doctor he was too scary to even look at.

"The guard did this to you?" She asked and lifted up my top. I could see both their eyes inspect my wounds.

He growled and walked out the room with his fists clenched, I didn't bother looking. I was in too much pain. "Don't worry Arabella I'm going to help you ok? Just wait here." She said and walked off somewhere. I looked down at my stomach where my shirt was lifted. All I could see were the colours purple, blue and black I dreaded to see what colour I was because I felt disgusting. I still had his semen on my hand, how disgusting. The doctor came back "Here drink this, It will heal you." She said and brought a cup of liquid onto my lips, I gulped the first mouthful and nearly threw it back up. It tasted like grass, not that I've ever tasted grass but it's just what it tasted like. I gulped away fear in case he came back and kept his promise. "There now go to sleep and when you wake up you will feel brand new I promise." She smiled at me. It was a kind smile, the first kind smile I have seen since I got taken away from my parents. At the thought of them my eyes started to water. "Don't cry Arabella, everything will be alright." She said and stroked my hair it reminded me of when I used to lie with my mother and she would do that. "Now go to sleep." And with that I was out like a light dreaming of a better place where I could live without all this pain. 

When I woke up I was in a room that was all black and a deep red colour, I was laying on a double bed, my clothes had been changed and I smelled like peaches. I paled. Who changed me? What did they do? I suddenly sat up ready for the pain but I didn't feel any odd. I looked under my shirt and I prodded my stomach to feel the pain but didn't feel anything.

"The drink takes the pain away." Someone said and I screamed looking around the room to see red eyes in the corner staring at me. That reminds me of Jack but with yellow eyes.

"I believe this is where you say thank you, or do you not have any manners?" He said and moved closer to where I was lying.

"Thank you." I whispered, keeping my eyes to the floor that's what got me in trouble the last time. I kept my eyes on the bed while I could hear him getting closer to me.

"Such a pretty little thing." He said and moved some of my hair behind my ear "Such divine blood too." He said and I froze no not again. "I can smell your fear Bella, it only makes it more fun for me." He said and I could feel him right in front of me. "Look at me," He said.

I didn't. I kept my eyes to the floor, "Look at me Bella." He said again, this time more angry. I looked up and gasped all I could see was his red eyes and he smiled. "That's better" He said and smirked. I didn't know what to say all I could do was look into his red eyes that seemed to get redder if possible the longer I looked.

"We have rules here Bella, are you ready to hear them?" He asked me.

I must have looked puzzled because he looked at me, he grabbed my chin in a harsh grip "You must call me master and only master can you do that Bella." He purred.

I could feel this pull to fulfil his wish in the back of my brain: what is going on with me? Before I could tell my mouth to keep shut I heard the word master coming out of my mouth stupid stupid stupid.

"Good girl." He said and moved himself closer almost like he was going to kiss me. "I own you Bella, you are mine and your body is mine. I can do with it what I please. If I want to touch you I will. If you fight me you'll regret it because pain will only come to you. If I want to stick my hard dick inside you when you are cleaning the floor so be it I will. If I want to hand you over to somebody else Bella for you to fulfil their needs you will Bella. Do you understand me? I own you, your mind, body and soul are mine and nobody else's until I say otherwise ok." He said and I could feel his hot breath on my face. "Do you understand Bella that you are mine?" He said I was lost in his eyes my brain was brainwashed and before I could tell my mouth to shut up "Yes" I said.

"Yes what?" He moved me closer and we were seconds away from touching our lips.

"Yes .. " I started, am I really going to say it. His eyes hardened "master" I whispered ashamed that I had said it. He let go of my chin "Now fucking leave me alone." He shouted and before I could know what was happening I was lying on the floor no longer in the comforts of his bed. "Leave Bella." His voice said again.

I quickly got up and ran out of the bedroom, I slammed the door and fell to my knees taking deep breaths. Now where am I going to go? I thought.

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