Chapter 32

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I turned to face him, he looked terrifying. His fangs were on display and his eyes were the brightest red I've ever seen them. "Let's go Arabella." He warned looking at the arm placed on my hip.

"She's not going anywhere." Jack growled and pushed me behind him. "She's mine and you know she is, she always has been yet you still think you can take her away from me." Jack said, staring at the beast that was overtaking Jaxson's body. I trembled in fear.

"She's not yours dog. She is to be my queen" Jaxson said and took a step towards us Jack growled making sure I was safe behind him.

"She's not your beloved. She's my mate" he replied and watched carefully as the beast stalked towards us. The beast walked closer and Jack let go of me getting into a fighting stance, I was stuck looking between the two men. Tingles still on my body off Jack but my heart was watching Jaxson in pain. I took a step forward and Jack gave me a curious look.

"That's it Arabella I know you've started to feel the pull to me. I'm your beloved." Jaxson tried to move forward to get a hold of me but Jack jumped in the way.

"She's not your fucking beloved leach. Rachael was your beloved." At the name of his real beloved the beast became free.

"DON'T SAY HER FUCKING NAME. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT." He shouted and everybody around us stopped the beast had came to play. He walked forward and so did Jack they were going to fight and only one person would win. They were going to fight for dominance. I was worried my mind and heart were currently two separate people telling me which person to go to.

I took another step forward and the beast looked at me, he gave me an evil smile. It still looked like Jaxson but his eyes were pitch black indicating he had no control in this situation.

"Arabella no." Jack said looking at me and I looked at him before looking back at the beast.

"I have to try," I said, looking back into Jack's eyes. Rejection flashed in his eyes before yellow bright eyes took over.

"NO" He said in a powerful voice "This is what he wants I will not allow it" Jack said and before I could blink he charged at the beast catching him off guard but not for long.

They fought on the ground, nails digging into each other's skin, biting, scratching this was not how it was supposed to end. I looked around the grounds of the castle and war was all I could see vampires and werewolf's fighting against each other. I suddenly heard a wine and noticed the beast had Jack in his jaws ready to snap his neck.

"NO" I shouted "please stop JUST STOP." I said walking over to where they were fighting. My plea must of caught the beast's attention as he let go of Jack, his body dropping to the floor.

Jack got up and walked behind me while the beast was in front of me "Who do you want Arabella?" Jack asked behind me with his jaw tight I could see Jaxson eyes turning back red indicating that he was gaining control.

I looked at both of them, my heart screaming for me to pick Jack but my body was yearning towards Jaxson. "WHO DO YOU FUCKING WANT ARABELLA?" Jaxson shouted at me.

I looked back at both boys. I turned towards Jack who had been so kind to me from the start, making me laugh and smile. Joking in our cells he was always there for me when I needed somebody but he also left me. Left me here when I needed him the most, my heart needed him until it learned how to cope without him.

Then there was Jaxson. He was terrifying, horrid and scary. He has done nothing but treat me like an animal but these past couple of weeks have been different. He's been soft and gentle with me. My body told me to walk towards him as I started into his eyes. I could see them begging for me..

I don't know what to do ok think Arabella.

"I'm sorry" I said turning to look at Jack in the eyes "But the person I'm choosing is ... "


And I'm gonna leave it here, Sorry if your reading this it would frustrate me to. If I get more reads I might continue the story on but I might start another book. I had fun writing this book as it is my first and I'm stuck in the house all the time I get loads of Ideas.


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