Chapter 27

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I was currently walking around the castle, the king had given me permission to go anywhere I wanted. It was strange him being kind to me, I was just waiting for him to snap at me or hurt me. I needed some time out of my room so I was walking and I was completely lost, I have never been to this side of the castle before.

I was walking along a corridor that had massive windows so I could see the view, the sky was blue and grass covered in snow. I haven't been outside in so long I let my thought's wander on as I kept walking down the corridor. It suddenly stopped big doors at the end. I wonder what's behind the door?

Well I have survived death before I thought and pushed the door open ready for anything that would jump out at me. I took a deep breath and stepped inside - my mouth dropped to the floor. It was a library. I smiled to myself, my hands running over the thousands of books on the shelf until one caught my eye. It was titled 'Beloved' that's what I am apparently to the king. I quickly snatched the book and sat down on a sofa I had found in the back of the library, I was hidden away from the world.

I opened the first page and started reading.

'Welcome to the book of beloved.

Inside this book will tell you all the information you need to know about figuring out who your beloved is.'

I read the first part and sighed did I really want to know if it was true, just as I was about to read the book more a photo fell out. I looked at the floor and back at the book. What is that, it had writing on the back. I picked it up and read it out loud.

Dear my sweet beloved Jaxson,

I have missed you so much while I have been away, I thought I would give you this picture of me while I am away. I miss you deeply and I can not wait until we are in each other's arms again.

Yours forever your beloved Racheal.

I turned the photo over and on the other side was a picture of a girl, this must be Rachel. He already has a beloved. I'm confused he said I was. She had ginger curly hair with bright green eyes. She kind of looked like me with her green eyes, I stared at the photo and the message on the back I haven't seen her around the castle but this photo did look old the words on the back had faded telling me that it wasn't recent he had gotten this. I looked back at the beloved book and read the first page

' A beloved is someone you should cherish as you only get one in your lifetime. When your beloved is found you can feel it within your soul, as you touch tingles shall spread through your body bringing it to life'

That happened when I touched Jack but it doesn't happen when I touch the king.

'To hurt your beloved would only cause the other pain. Every emotion the other will feel no matter what emotion is being felt. This can be the strongest bond if you complete the mating process with one another.'

I read more and got even more confused about mating what the hell is that. I went to the start of the book and looked at the index.

'Pages 1 -10 beloved

Pages 10-20 mating

Pages 20-30 completing the bond

Pages 30-40 rejection

Pages 40-50 death of mate'

I looked over the index and knew instantly I needed to read this book as it held so many answers for me. I skipped the first two chapters and went on to completing the bond.

Completing the bond with your beloved is meant to be the most special most precious thing mates can do. The first step to her becoming your true beloved is the marking stage. This is where the male must bite the females neck in order to wear his mark to warn other males that she is taken'

I felt my neck, he tried to mark me. I felt where I could feel his teeth sink in and I felt nothing why didn't I wear a mark. I can remember when Jack asked me to take the bandage off and he was relieved when he didn't see anything.  It clicked in my head I can remember the conversation between the doctor and the king when I was half asleep.

'I was lying in the hospital bed half asleep and half awake when suddenly I heard him.

"What will happen to her Abby?" I heard him ask her.

"Her body rejected your mark, it won't be there tomorrow" Abby signed.

"So she will be ok?" the king asked her.

"Yes. however if you try to forcefully mark her again" there was a pause "I'm afraid her body won't be able to cope and may give up" she finished.'

Yes she said my body rejected the mark and he couldn't do it again that's why he mustn't. The more I read this book the more my head hurts. Something is clearly going on that I don't know about.

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