Chapter 25

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I wiped my eyes as I rolled over, whatever I was laying on was so comfy. "Arabella" I heard someone's soft voice say. My mind thought back to all the things that had happened, I had escaped. I was finally free. I must have fallen asleep waiting for Jack to get back from the castle. I wonder how angry the king got when he realised I wasn't in my room. I'm so glad I'm not back there anymore, I felt a slight pain in my chest thinking about Katy and how I have left her by herself. I'll get her out of there I promised to myself. "Arabella wake up" the voice said again softer I could feel them playing with my hair and I sighed in relief.

I turned around and cuddled into the body and a soft hum came out my throat. I just wanted to sleep. I was exhausted after everything that has happened to me. The person held me tight like he didn't want to let me go. I felt safe, the world would be bright again. I would be safe.

I felt a hand stroking my face softly. It's really cold I thought, I can remember tingles and warmth when Jack would touch me like this. This woke me up and when I opened my eyes I saw king Jaxson staring at me while stroking my cheek.

"no " I mumbled and tried to get out of his hold, this can't be happening. I was meant to be free with Jack.

"Where are you going?" He said and pulled me closer. I wanted to jump out of his arms but I was too deep in thought, tears streaming down my face I had escaped last night I don't understand.

"Last night was a success and we still remain in power in the kingdom." He informed me and I shivered. His disgusting hands were trying to comfort me. Where is jack? I don't understand I whimpered and he only held me tighter. "Your safe now Arabella"He cooed in my ear and I cringed.

I'm not safe, I'm not free and I'm certainly not happy.

"What happened?" I asked him looking up into his eyes I needed answers. I was confused about the whole situation.

"We got rid of the dogs but one escaped but we will get him don't worry." he informed me looking into my eyes. I didn't bother replying, I only looked down sadness taking over my body and every thought. Did he escape? Did he leave without me? Will he come back for me? I thought to myself.

Skip 1 year

It had been a long time since I had last seen Jack. Katy had told me about his escape and the war that broke out. I had fallen into depression, I had sat by the window in the horrible purple room watching the seasons change. Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring changed all so fast as I just sat and observed. He had forgotten about me and that only made my heart break, I had never known rejection like it. My eyes had watered enough in the first few months that now I can't cry anymore, I was like a robot without emotions just constantly sad because he had left and never came back for me.

I would do my chores, go to dinner and then sleep in this room. The king would come into my room at night and sleep with me, he would not touch me he just lay beside me and slept. He hadn't touched me since that night when I was tied up. He always tries to talk to me but I don't. I just look beyond him into space. I hated him no I loathed him but it was so much easier for me to follow his orders than defy him and get punished, He probably thinks he has officially broken me but it wasn't him that managed the impossible it was Jack.

I was currently laying in bed staring into nothing when I felt his presence in the room, he didn't say anything just got into his boxers and lay beside me in bed. He signed and pulled my body close to his. I just let him, I was used to sleeping next to him now and him cuddling into me.

"What is wrong Arabella? Where have you gone?" I heard him say before he sighed this was every night he would ask the same questions. This was the same since Jack had left, his voice sounded tired and full of sorrow. I didn't reply, just kept staring at the corner of the room "I'm sorry Arabella" He said and turned over facing his back to me.

Tears were leaking from my eyes and I touched them with my hand. I am not broken. I thought half smiling that my eyes were leaking again. I put my head further into the pillow and fell asleep.

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