Chapter 11

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Days have flown over since the dinner with the other girls and the kings. After that night I didn't see much of them, which was great for me because they scare me a lot. I had been assigned to clean their rooms which seemed alright so far as they were not there. Every time I open one of their doors I don't breathe scared in case they are behind the door. However luck has been on my side and I was currently cleaning one of the rooms.

I got on my knees ready to clean under the bed and noticed a pair of green panties, I scrunch my nose up in disgust. I walked back to the trolley and picked up a bag to make sure my hands didn't touch  them while placing them in the bin. I have noticed this a lot, in fact every time I clean a room I almost always find a pair of panties or a bra. They must have somebody in here every night. I shivered in disgust. I hope they stay away from me. I've been lucky so far.

I walked out of the room and back to the girls part of the castle. I guess you could call it the slave quarters. I just didn't like the word slave at all. I am not a slave.

I walked into my room and fell onto the mattress on the floor. I noticed Katy sitting reading a book on her bed.

"What are you reading?" I asked her. We have grown quite close over the past days, she seems like a nice girl. She showed me everything I needed to know on my first day of cleaning and I couldn't have been more grateful of her. The other girls didn't even bother saying 'hello' or helping me when I got lost which is quite sad.

"The masters are back today."She said waiting for my reaction.

"WHAT?" I shouted and put my hand over my mouth. She gave me a dirty look.

"They will be having a feast tonight so we have to be ready for 7pm and it's 6:30pm now so I suggest you change and freshen up." Katy said and got up to go change.

I signed "Can we not just stay here and hide" I said to her doing my best puppy dog eyes.

"Get your ass up Bel, I'm not getting punished for you being childish." She said and walked away from me. Katy didn't like it when I said stuff about how unfair life is she just tells me to suck it up and I hate it.

I got up and placed the dreaded red two piece on my body, my bruises had eventually disappeared.

"Good now let's go or we will be late." Katy said and grabbed a hold of my arm and dragged me out the room. I rolled my eyes but let her drag me. I kept quiet, my heart hammering against my chest would he be here? I didn't know if I wanted to see him so soon can he not stay away for a couple of more days.

We entered the hall and Katy gave me a small smile before going over to the other girls who wore pink, here we go again I thought as I dragged myself over to the red girls.

"Look who eventually showed up." A girl named Amber said looking at me up and down. I didn't bother responding "I can't wait for master to come back hopefully he picks me tonight for some fun." I heard her say and I rolled my eyes.

Everything went silent and I looked up just in time to see the kings walk into the hall and my heartbeat picked up when I saw his face. I quickly looked at the floor. "You may sit." He said and I chose to sit as far away from him as possible.I sat next to two girls I didn't know the name of, I looked up and noticed that Amber and her friends were at the left and right of the king and I rolled my eyes how desperate can you get.

A plate was placed in front of me. It looked like soup with black things floating around absolutely disgusting. "Eat" He said and everybody started to eat - not any words tonight I see.

As I took the spoon in my mouth I could feel somebody's eyes on me, I didn't need to look up to see who it was the goose bumps on my skin made me realise. I didn't look up all throughout the dinner and was just about to get up to follow some girls back to my room when I heard somebody behind me.

"Arabella you are my chosen tonight, you will meet me in my chamber in 10 minuets" A voice said behind me. I gulped and must have paled because I felt the blood rush out my face. No I don't want this, "Please don't" I whispered so only he would hear.

"10 minuets. If you don't come, punishment will be done and you don't want that." He said and smacked my back before walking out the room.

My eyes started to water. This can not be happening to me. I don't want him to touch me or even be next to him at that matter. What am I going to do?

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