Chapter 19

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I woke up feeling something heavy across my waist. What is that? I opened my eyes and took in the decor and everything clicked. I'm in the king's bed with the king behind me. I tensed up and I heard his groan. I tried to get out his grip but it only got tighter the more I tried "Stop moving" he warned and I stilled.

Suddenly I felt something poking into my lower back and I closed my eyes in regret. "You smell good in the morning" he growled and he was on top of me and I screamed. His eyes were blood red staring into my eyes.

"Why do you scream when I know you want me just as much as I want you?" he cocked his head to the side.

"P.. ppp.. please " i stuttered.

"I knew you wanted me, look at you begging for me" he replied smelling my neck.

Back to the beginning I thought.

"Tell me you want me Arabella?" he said looking into my eyes.

How can you tell someone you don't want them without being killed? I sucked in a breath and looked him right in the eyes "I don't want you" oh I had a death wish.

He growled his fangs coming forwards out of his teeth. I took a deep breath "what don't tell me you would rather be with a beast?" he looked hurt but held the anger in his eyes.

"I don't want to be with anybody, I want to be free from you. From everybody. I'm nobody's" I screamed in his face. I might as well tell him and die telling him the truth.

"You are mine" he said and sunk his teeth into my neck, pain erupted all over my body. I screamed a blood curdling scream. He pulled out and my blood was running down his mouth. I could feel my breath getting shallow and regret came across his face "shit no no no .." he said I was going in and out of darkness. Every time I opened my eyes we seemed to be in a different place until the smell of bleach filled my nose.

"Doctor Abby" He shouted.

"King Jaxson." I heard her reply. I felt myself being placed on a bed and she gasped "you tried to forcefully mark her" she said and looked at him and back at me.

Just before I was about to go into complete darkness I heard him say "I'm so sorry Arabella."

I blinked fast trying to get my eyes adjusted to the light that was in this bright room "ah your awake" somebody said I looked over and saw doctor Abby looking at a file.

"What happened?" I was confused about what did happen?

"You fell down some stairs" she told me, she was lying. I could tell she wouldn't look into my eyes. What are you not telling me? I moved my body and my neck screamed in pain "ouch" my hand went towards my neck and it was bandaged up. I looked back at Abby and she was studying me.

KING JAXSON POVV//I feel like it's the right time for this one.

What have I done? I just tried to forcefully mark my beloved. My beast had taken over seeing her in my bed in the morning, he completely took over. Shit what have I done?

'King Jaxson the beast he seems to be growing stronger' the guard in the dungeon mind linked me. Great just what I fucking needed. I walked towards the dungeon 'I'm on my way' I said back.

I walked towards the dungeon the smell nearly knocking me sick, let's deal with the fucking dog first then. I walked down the steps into the darkness and down towards his cell. I knew as soon as I walked into the dungeon he could smell Arabella blood on me which would only drive him mental and I smirked. I stood in front of him, he had gotten bigger. Shit. the full moon was nearly here 3 days way in fact and he would be at his strongest especially with him being the king.

"Dog" I said towards him because I knew it would piss him off.

"What have you done to her you blood sucking leach?" He screamed at me nearly ripping the bars off. I'll need to look into them and get silver ones just in case.

"I don't know what the fuck your talking about pup. Show some fucking respect." I growled at him, my beast coming to the surface. I tried to push him down.

"Her blood .. her blood is on you. Where is she?" He screamed causing me to cringe.

"Calm down dog she's fine. Your stupid mate is currently lying in my bed after last night's fun" I told him and made sure my eyes would light up. He looked pissed and it only made me laugh more.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you. If she's hurt I'll kill you" he shouted.

Empty threats were all I heard and I rolled my eyes god she's rubbing off on me that girl.

"Look mut, she will wear my mark on the full moon and your precious mate will be mine. She will bear my heir and you will be stuck here rotting in this cell" I replied and smirked yes Arabella will carry my heir she just doesn't know it yet.

If looks could kill this mut would have me 6 feet under but it only made me laugh out loud, I was pissing him off the most I had seen the pup since I captured him.

"Just wait leach, she will be mine. The bond has already started." he told me with determination in his eyes and it only made my beast come to life.

"You won't get your hands on her" I heard my beast say fully taking over my body. "She's mine and will only be mine" he said and started walking away getting the stench of wet dog out of his nose.

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